Movies and TV Shows

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Florida hates horror, can't watch without panicking

Meanwhile Luisiana loves horror and can't get enough of it

California and Texas both like those house renovation shows and watching them is the one of the few thing they can do without fighting

Oregon loves Gravity Falls but had to explain to Florida that no it's not a real place, much to both of their disappointment

Gov likes the Office

Alaska likes watching National Geographic

Texas's favorite movie is Charlotte's Web, tell no one.

Main Six had a MLP marathon and decided what Pony they each would be:
Gov- Twilight
Texas- Apple Jack
California- Rarity
New York- Rainbow Dash (they forced him to take a quiz)
Louisiana- Cheese Sandwich (bc Florida said so)
Florida- Pinky Pie

On Christmas they can only agree to watch How The Grinch Stole Christmas and it's one of the highlights of the holiday for some of them, so when someone played the animated one instead and broke the CD for the life action Christmas was almost canceled until Alabama figured out how to connect the tv to his laptop and played the correct movie.
Did they over react? Nope. They all really like the movie

The northeast love Hamilton and whenever England visits (wich isn't often) they make sure to watch it and turn up the volume realllyyy loud

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