Potatos and challenges

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(You know that Headcannon with Hawaii's room?)
DC left for one meeting in his district and Idaho planted a potato in his pillow. When he came back Idaho wouldn't let him move the potato, so the territory moved the mushrooms into where the now potatoed bed it and put a loft there.
And the rest of the states are taking bets to see who will take over the room.

Florida stole all the good candy from Gov's candy jar and replaced them with grape candy and black licorice after Gov took his lollipop away during a meeting.

California convinced the rest of the main 6 to eat stuff from Disney movies for a day, but they could only eat from that one movie- don't ask how he convinced them, he doesn't even know.
Texas almost couldn't complete the breakfast he was given: 12 dozen eggs. He also couldn't figure out what the grey stuff was and didn't want to watch the food theory video on it, so he ate a lot of whatever they named in "be our guest" (beauty and the beast)
Louisiana had a good time with stuff from Tiana's restaurant. (Princess and the frog)
Florida ate flies, even though he was told many times he could eat something else but decided not to. (Also Princess and the Frog)
New York had pasta. A lot of pasta. And pizza, with the loop hole of the pizza planet truck. (Luca)
Gov ate sweet potatoes from that one Lilo and stitch scene, as well as a lot of ice cream and Peanut-butter sandwiches. (Lilo and Stitch)
California had Panda Express, and cereal. (Incredibles 2)
California also got a nice video out of it.

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