It was potions.

We arrived slightly late.

"Ahh I was wondering where you two were!" Slughorn said turning to us

"Sorry professor we were talking to professor Snape" i replied

"No matter, stand behind your cauldrons" he said

We walked over to our tables.

We were luckily next to each other.

"Now, today shall be an easy lesson, you will each brew me a bottle of draught of life" he announced

"Today you will also be working in pairs" he added

"Off you go!" He said and we began working

Draco was my pair.

I gathered the ingredients whilst he mixed them.

Lacewing flies
Longworm slime
FrogFish scales
Hairy snail mucus

Disgusting ingredients.

Draco combined them together with water and heated it until it was ready.

Professor slughorn checked it and dismissed us.

"Oh miss y/n wait I have something for you" he said as he grabbed a red envelope

"Now you may go" he said turning back to the others that hadn't finished

I walked with Draco to the common room where we sat on the couches waiting for the others.

He pulled me into his lap and played with my hair as I opened the letter.


I am pleased to inform you that you are invited to my Christmas party on the 3rd of December, you may bring a date to the after party but are required to come alone to the dinner,

Professor slughorn

"What did he say in the letter?" Draco asked

"Apparently I'm invited to his Christmas dinner party" I replied

"A few months early don't you think!" He laughed

"I guess he's getting organised" i shrugged,

The others soon joined us and blaise had received a slughorn invite as well.


Everyone else had gone to bed except me and Draco.

The common room was empty.

Draco was studying at one of the desks whilst I was sitting by the fire on a couch.

I heard Draco slam his book shut.

I quickly looked over at him.

He got up knocking the table and spilling his ink pot on his parchment.

He stormed over to me and pinned my hands down at my sides.

"I.." I was all I got out before he pressed his lips onto mine

He snaked his hand around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

He flipped us round so I was now sat on his waist.

He ran his hands through my hair as he continued kissing me,

I didn't fight it as I knew he was stressed with everything going on.

I was too.

His hands tugged at the bottom of my top,

I pulled out of the kiss

"Draco we can't do it in the common room!" I whispered

"we wont" he whispered back as he picked me up wrapping my legs around his waist.

He carried me up the stairs and layed me down on his bed.

He then lifted off my top and kissed down my stomach.

I took the opportunity to pull his shirt off as well.

I ran my hands down his abs as he climbed in between my legs

He yanked down my bottoms and underwear and then his own

He lined himself up with me and thrusted inside

"Fuck!" I moaned out by his not letting me adjust to his size

He gripped my hips as he thrusted in and out of me

I gripped onto his pillow overwhelmed by the pleasure

He sped up and I could feel he was getting close.

He slowed down and I felt him twitch as he released inside me.

He flopped down next to me turning my face to look at him

"God your beautiful" he said staring into my eyes

I felt myself blushing at his comment.

He lifted the covers over us and pulled me towards him so I was laying on his chest

He wrapped his arm over me as we both drifted to sleep

Dark daughter ; Draco x y/nWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt