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October 15th

I didn't sleep for a minute last night.

Still I got myself up and got ready with pansy and Alina.

The last thing I wanted was for Draco to think I was wallowing over him.

I put my robes on and rolled my skirt up as I always did, curled my hair and did my makeup.

The three of us were ready by 8am

Neither of them mentioned what happened

I preferred it like that.

I wanted to keep him out of my mind.

We walked down to the common room where we met Theo and blaise.

Neither of them said anything either.


We made our way to the great hall.

I was bracing myself to see Draco.

Maybe he wouldn't show?

We turned into the great hall and my heart sunk again.

He was at the table kissing Astoria greengrass.

What. the. fuck.

I guess that's why he wanted to break up with me

To be with her.

The school whore.

I don't want to sound mean calling her that but she deserves it.

Ever since I started Hogwarts she was one of the main people that would torment me about being lord Voldemorts child.

Draco knew this.

She stopped after I gave her a good beating in 3rd year.

I had detention every day for a month.

But it was so worth it,

She ended up with a concussion.

Overall she stopped tormenting me.

Until now.

"I can't do this" I said to the others as I turned and left the hall.

None of them tried to stop me, they understood.

I ran back through the school and to my dorm.

I had a stash of fire whiskey, vodka, Bacardi, and all sorts incase there was a party.

I decided now was the time to have it.

I stuffed every bottle into my bag and left the room.

I went to the astronomy tower.

Nobody would be up there for hours.

The earliest lesson was 8pm

I sat on the edge with my legs dangling down.

I grabbed the first bottle out my bag and began drinking it.

It was strong and disgusting but I drank it anyway.

I wasn't going to any classes today.

They were all with Draco.

I'm not doing that shit.

I don't care if I fail at school.

I'm destined to fail at the world after school anyway, being the dark lord's daughter.

Who'd hire me?

I stayed up on the astronomy tower the entire day.

I was just there with my thoughts.

Dark daughter ; Draco x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now