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December 26th

I woke up the next morning still in a pool of pain.

It was better now that I was back with Draco tho.

I did wonder what things would be like with Astoria now tho.

She seemed to really like him but by the way she's acted towards me I don't really give a fuck.

I was still laying with Draco who was fast asleep.

I slowly slid out the bed trying now to wake him or make the pain worse.

My legs were still a bit wobbly as I made my way down the hall to my room.

I went inside and cleaned myself up.

I then got changed out of Dracos hoodie and put on some comfy clothes.

I didn't fancy the stairs alone so I called for one of the house elves.

Serenity appeared.

"How may I help you?" She asked

"Could you help me down the stairs?" I asked

It sounded so weird to ask someone to help me down a flight of stairs.

"Of course miss riddle" she replied

I held onto the railing with one hand whilst clinging to her with the other.

When we reached the bottom she helped me to the kitchen.

Narcissa was in there.

I lugged myself up onto a chair at the breakfast bar.

"Thanks" I said to serenity and she left.

"Morning" she said passing me a cup of coffee.

"Morning, thanks" i replied

I could tell she wanted to avoid the topic of my torture.

I sat there drinking my coffee as the house elves prepared breakfast.

"So how long have you been dating Draco?" She asked

"How did you know?" I asked

"I came to check on you this morning but you weren't in your room and when I went to Dracos room you were cuddled up to him" she replied

"Oh, well we actually got back together last night we broke up on Halloween" I said

"Please don't tell my father" I asked

"I won't dear don't worry" she said

"I think it's nice that you two are together" she added

"You do?" I asked

"You seem like the perfect girl for him" she answered

"Your not angry because I'm not a full pure-blood?" I asked

"My dear I don't care about blood statuses only Lucius does" she said

"Oh" I replied taking another sip of my coffee

Draco walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning" he said taking a seat next to me

"Morning dear" narcissa said to him

"How are you feeling today?" He asked me

"I'm still in a little pain and had to get serenity to help me down the stairs but other than that I'm fine" I replied

He gave me a sorrowful smile as narcissa gave him a cup of coffee as well.

"Thanks mother" he said

"I was just talking to your girlfriend here about how I found you both asleep in your bed" she chuckled

"You know?" He asked

"I do" she replied

"Don't worry I approve!" She reassured him

"I'm glad" he replied as he placed his hand over mine.

The elves served us our breakfast and we tucked in.

"I'm visiting Lucius In Azkaban tomorrow for his birthday if you want to come" she said to Draco

He shook his head.

Draco never loved his father only his mother.

It didn't surprise me he didn't want to go.

"Alright we'll I'm leaving at 9am will you be alright here? You have the elves" she asked

"We'll be fine mother" he replied

"Ok then" she said

We finished our breakfast and I decided to go back up to my room.

I got to the stairs and tried to do it myself but winced at the first step as it put pressure on my bruised hip.

"Need some help?" Draco asked coming up behind me

"Please" I said and he took my other arm helping me up.

He offered to carry me but I expected that would hurt more.

He brought me to my room and helped me onto my bed.

I'd decided to sleep today so I didn't have to feel the pain the whole time.

Draco climbed in next to me.

"You don't have to stay with me you know" I said

"I want to" he said

"Suit yourself I'm just going to sleep" I replied

"Then il sleep too" he said

I scooted closer to him and put my head on his chest.

He played with my hair as I fell asleep on him.

Dark daughter ; Draco x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now