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September 16th

it's all falling down.

this school isn't a happy place anymore.

it's full of darkness and secrets.

nobody in our world is safe from my father.

they won't ever be.

i think my father was right.

about it all being my fault.

if i wasn't born this wouldn't be happening.

"y/n?" Alina called out

we were in our dorm studying.

it was only Tuesday.

"what do you think your fathers going to do?" she asked

"i don't know but whatever it is, it's bad, really bad" i replied

"is it bad to admit i'm scared?" she mumbled

hearing alina admit to being scared snapped me.

"absolutely not, no one should be afraid to admit their scared" i answered

"i don't want to see people hurt" she said

"i don't either" i replied

i knew something had to be done.

i knew potter was out there trying to stop my father.

i knew i had to help him.

i need to find potter.

i never thought i'd be saying that sentence but here we are.

"anyways i have to get to astronomy" Alina sighed

i nodded as she left.

that was it.

i'd made my mind.

i was going to find potter and try and help him stop my father.

i can't just sit here and do nothing.

i'd practiced a spell a few years ago on how to find people through a patronus.

i guess now was the time to use it.

i gathered some necessities into a bag and sat at my desk to write down why i was gone.

i had no clue how i was going to tell draco.

i started with pansy and alina.

i know you both will be confused about me abruptly leaving again but i have to. i can't just sit back whilst my father destroys innocent people. you don't know this but i made unbreakable vows with your parents to keep you safe and i intend to follow through on that. i beg you to stay safe and happy whilst i'm gone and please be there for draco. he needs someone right now. i'll see you soon.


i felt warm tears streak my face as i wrote.

i had no idea how i was going to get on without the people i love.

but i just have to remind myself it's for them and i'll see them again soon.

next was draco.

this was going to be the hardest.

i know this is sudden and unpredicted but please understand, i won't let the people i love die at the hands of my father. especially you. i love you with all my heart and i'm sorry to leave you right now but it's for the best.


i hadn't a clue what to write.

i got up and left the note for pansy and alina on my bed and headed out the door with my things.

i slid the other note under dracos door and headed out.

i passed through the common room and down the halls towards the front of the school.

i stood outside the entrance to the school in the pitch black.

i pulled my wand out and cast the person finding charm.

my patronus extended out my wand and swirled in the air illuminating a path.

i took a deep breath and followed it down through the woods.

Dark daughter ; Draco x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now