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November 10th

Today was the day I had decided to look for the lakeweed rocks at the bottom of the black lake.

I got dressed into a bikini as I didn't own any swimming costumes.

I knew it would be absolutely freezing so I put a thick tracksuit on top.

I slid my wand into my pocket and grabbed a towel.

It was 1st lesson so nobody would see me going down there.

I made my way to the edge of the lake.

I put my towel down on the shore and took off my tracksuit.

I shivered at the cold air and could see my breath.

I cast a bubble head charm so that I would be able to breathe.

My teeth chattered as I dove into the water head first.

It was so cold.

I began swimming downwards to try and warm up.

After a few minutes I got used to the temperature.

I came to a massive kelp forest that I had to tackle through.

It wasn't ordinary kelp and it kept trying to grab hold of my ankles.

I managed to get through it and continued swimming down.

I still couldn't see the bottom but I knew I was close as I could feel the temperature change.

I could hear the aquatic creatures around me as I swam deeper.

It grew darker and I had to use a 'lumos' charm to see

It lit up the water around me and I could now see the bottom.

It was full of rocks.

Not all of them were lakeweed pebbles tho.

I scavenged through the piles to find the lakeweed pebbles.

I managed to find seven.

The bubble head charm was about to wear off so I had to head to the surface.

I climbed out onto the shore and dumped the stones down.

I quickly dried myself and put my tracksuit back on.

I began to warm up a bit.

I picked the pebbles up and headed to the room of requirements to leave them there.

I entered the room and found Draco sat at the table by the cabinet.

"Draco?" I said as I walked over

"Y/n? What are you doing here?" He asked

"I found some lakeweed pebbles" I said

"You what?" He asked

"I found the pebbles!" I repeated

"Where did you find them!" He questioned

"I read a book on them and it said there were some in the black lake! I just got back from getting them!" I replied

"In the black lake?" He said

"Yeah they were in the deepest part mixed with other types of rocks I had to pick them out, I only managed to get 7" I said

"7 is perfect we'll done" he said smiling at me

I put the rocks down on the table for him to see.

"I've been working on the transfiguration but I don't want to test it out on the actual pebbles so I got these rocks" he said showing me some plain rocks

"Let's hope this works" I said as he began to say the spell

The rock glowed green and shattered.

"It didn't work!" Draco said frustrated already

"It's only the first go try again" I said

He did the spell again it glowed red and shrank

"It's not working!" He yelled

"Keep trying you'll get it!" I said

He did it again

It let out a spark and then glowed green.

"I can't do it!" He said dropping his wand and walking away

"Its ok we don't need to do it today" I said picking his wand up from the floor

"We need to get it done time is running out!" He exclaimed

"We still have a few months it will be fine Draco" I said

"Why don't I try?" I suggested

"Might as well" he said and got up to show me the spell

I pointed my wand at a rock and said the spell, it spat a spark out and glowed purple.

"Wait you almost did it!" He said

"It lets out a spark and glows blue! Try again!" He said

"Chosen not to give up now?" I mocked

"Shut up" he said playfully

I did the spell again and it glowed a deep blue.

"You did it!" He exclaimed

The stone shattered about 30 seconds later

"Oh" I said looking at the broken pieces

"Don't worry that's only because it's not a lakeweed!" He said

"So I can do the spell?" I said

"Yes, do you want to try it on a lakeweed?" He suggested

"Il give it a go" I said

He picked up a pebble and placed it in front of me

I said the spell and it enchanted the pebble.

"I don't think 7 will be enough to fill the gap" I admitted

"Why don't we enlarge them then?" He suggested

"Won't it mess with the enchantment?" I asked

"One way to find out" he said

He took the rock and cast an 'engrogio' and the pebble tripled in size.

"Have we actually just found a way to fix this cabinet?" I said in disbelief

"I think we have" he said

"Finally!" I exclaimed

We packed the stuff up and got ready to go.

We checked the time and last lesson was just finishing.

We decided to meet the others as they came out of herbology.

Pansy was first out

"Y/n! Where were you all day?" She asked

"Oh I wasn't feeling well" I lied

"Oh alright" she said as the others came out.

We all headed back to the common room together.

A/n I had no idea how to end this one!

Dark daughter ; Draco x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now