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June 30th

tonight's the night.

the night everything ends.

i was in Draco's room with him waiting for the time to come.

we'd decided to do it late so no other students would see.

the alarm clock beeped 2:00am but we were both wide awake anyway.

i had brought my clothes into his room a few day's earlier so i didn't risk waking pansy or Alina.

it was a long black dress. and Draco had an all black suit.

My father wanted us presentable when we killed Dumbledore.

we picked up our wands not saying anything to each other as we walked to the astronomy tower in silence.

Draco gripped my hand as we made our way up the stairs.

i heard Dumbledores voice and it all became real.

"he's not alone" i whispered to Draco

we continued walking towards him anyways.

we reached the platform he was on and my whole body pulsed with fear and adrenaline.

i pulled myself together and focused on what i had to do.

Draco clutched his wand and pointed it at Dumbledore as we emerged out the shadows into his vision.

he peered up at us.

"draco? y/n? how might i assist you on this fine spring evening?" he asked cluelessly

Draco ignored his question and asked one of his own "who else is here? we heard you talking"

" i often talk aloud to myself i find it extraordinarily useful at times" Dumbledore replied

we both glared at him in silence for a moment.

"Draco y/n let me assist you" Dumbledore spoke

he knew.

he knew why we were there.


"we don't want your help! we were chosen!" draco exclaimed rolling up his sleeve.

i did the same.

Dumbledores eyes widened at the sight of our dark marks.

i guess he didn't know everything then.

there was a clatter below us and Dumbledore looked at us again.

"your not alone. there are others." he concluded

"how?" he asked

"the vanishing cabinet in the room of requirements. we mended it. it forms a passage to borgin and burkes" Draco answered

i guess it didn't matter if he spilt our secrets anymore. Dumbledore would be dead before he could tell anyone.

Dumbledore gave us a sympathetic look.

"don't you understand? we have to do this! we have to kill you. or he's going to kill us..." dracos voice cracked and his hand shook as he pointed his wand at Dumbledore.

Bellatrix, fernir, yaxley and the carrows emerged onto the platform.

"look what we have here" bellatrix cackled making her way to us

"look what we have here" she said looking at Draco pointing his wand at Dumbledore.

"well done draco" she whispered in his ear.

Dark daughter ; Draco x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now