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July 30th

Draco was going on the raid tonight to try and kidnap harry potter as he travels to the weasleys new house.

"be safe" Narcissa said pulling draco in for a tight hug.

anyone could see she was worried for him.

"i will don't worry mother" he replied smiling at her

he let go of her and turned to me.

"il be back soon" he said kissing my cheek.

"il be here" i replied giving him a sympathetic look.

He turned round and headed out the door with the others.

God i hope he's okay.

The door closed and me and Narcissa headed into the kitchen.

"do you want to help me prepare some food for when they get back?" she asked me.

"i'd love to! what are we making?" i replied

"i was going to make something sweet like an apple crumble" she replied

Dracos favourite.

i nodded and helped her get the ingredients out.

she made the pastry whilst i made the apple filling.

once i was done i poured the hot apple mixture into the pastry tin and narcissa made a weaved pattern with the leftover pastry on the top.

She popped it into the oven and the elves came in to help clear up.

Narcissa went to set up the meeting table and i headed to Draco's room.

since he was out i thought i'd be a good girlfriend and tidy up a bit for him.

not that it was very messy but i thought i'd do the small things.

i changed his bedsheets, put his laundry away and cleared the few glasses from his nightstand.

it was getting later and they would be back soon.

they left at 8pm and it was now 10:30pm.

i headed back downstairs just as narcissa was getting the crumble out the oven.

"that smells good" i said walking into the kitchen

"it does doesn't it" she replied setting it down on the side.

just as she shut the oven the front door burst open.

narcissa hurried out to see what it was.

The death eaters always knocked so something must've happened.

i quickly walked round to see what was going on.

my stomach dropped once i saw.

Dolohov and McNair were carrying Draco into the living room.

He was unconscious as they set him down on the couch.

"what's happened?" narcissa asked flustered as she knelt next to him.

"Lupin shot a spell at him but we're not sure what it was" Dolohov answered

Snape soon joined us in the living room and made his way to Draco.

"your no healer Severus" narcissa pointed out

"i'm the best you've got at the moment" he replied as he poured a brown liquid into dracos mouth.

narcissa stroked his hand as draco slowly regained consciousness.

he blinked and sat up straight.

"thank god your ok!" i exclaimed kissing his forehead.

"bloody Lupin. you'd of thought he'd of left his ex student alone!" Draco groaned fidgeting on the couch

"take it easy malfoy stop moving" snape commanded

Draco scoffed and laid back down on the couch.

his eyes darted up to me.

my fingers were intwined with his soft hair as he gazed up at me.

i was relieved that he was alive but it hurt to see him hurt knowing it was my fault he was sent on that raid.

if i had just stayed away from him everything would have been different.

He wouldn't be hurt right now and my father wouldn't have a reason to send him on dangerous raids.

The other death eaters soon left and narcissa left to get Draco a slice of apple crumble.

i came round and sat down next to him on the sofa.

"how are you? what hurts?" i asked

"im fine my arms and ribs are a bit sore" he replied

"do you remember what spell was shot at you?" i asked

he shook his head.

Narcissa brought the crumble over but soon left after there was a clatter in the kitchen. probably elves.

draco reached for the crumble but winced at his aching arms.

"here let me" i said picking it up and breaking a bit off with the fork.

i brought the fork to his lips and he took it into his mouth.

he swallowed it and looked up to me.

"this is incredibly emasculating" he grunted

"your hurt and hungry so deal with it" i laughed

he rolled his eyes as i put another bit of crumble into his mouth.

"i love you" he said randomly between bites.

"i love you too" i replied giving him a quick kiss

"i haven't told you that in a while so i thought i would" he smirked

i smiled and gave him another bit of crumble.

once it was all gone i took the plate out to the kitchen and set it on the side before going back into the living room.

Draco was fiddling with the cushions clearly uncomfortable.

"do you want to go up to your room instead of down here?" i asked

"yes. who knew this couch was so uncomfortable" he sneered

i laughed and helped up the stairs and to his bed.

i pulled the covers over him and climbed in the other side.

"you cleaned my room" he pointed out

"i did" i replied

he smiled and kissed my cheek before draping his arm round my shoulder.

he kissed the top of my head before he fell asleep exhausted after a long evening.

Dark daughter ; Draco x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now