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January 12th

fuck fuck fuck.

Draco has a detention with amycus.

i heard about it from Alina and now i was running towards amycus' office.

i vowed to protect him and my friends so that's what i was going to do.

even tho he wasn't speaking to me and was fucking about with Astoria i couldn't hear the thought of him getting hurt.

i guess that's what i get for falling in love.

i burst through through the office door to see Draco tied to a chair with thick chains whilst amycus stood with his wand pointed at him.

"don't fucking touch him" i threatened raising my own wand at amycus.

"why hello there princess" amycus cackled "come to see the show?"

"i'm not your fucking princess" i spat "and there is no show to see"

"bold of you to try and stop me" he mocked

"is it? or is it foolish of you to hurt Malfoy" i had no clue what i was saying.

i guess i was trying to gaslight him into thinking it was a bad idea to hurt Draco.

"and why would it be foolish of me?" amycus questioned

"Because Malfoy is a fellow death eater, he is loyal to the same master as you, my father needs all his followers in pristine condition" what i was saying was complete bullshit.

but maybe just good enough to fool amycus.

"The dark lord does not tolerate rule breaking" he said

that made me realise something.

my father had gone mental the last time 2 death eaters had a fight.

"and yet your going against the dark lords rules? he doesn't like it when one of his followers punish another" i snarled

Amycus flared his nostrils and glared at me.

my wand was still held high at whereas his was slowly pulling away from Draco.

Amycus adjusted his tie and cleared his throat "well. i think mr Malfoy can be excused just this once"

me and Draco sighed in sync.

i used a simple charm to undo the chains binding him to the chair.

he immediately got up and walked out the office.

i followed behind him.

"why did you help me?" he asked

because i love you.

"because you needed my help" i replied

he shrugged.

"thanks" he grumbled

"your welcome" i replied as we carried on down the hallway towards the Slytherin common room.

"how did you know where i was? and how did you get to me so quick?" he questioned

"Alina told me, and i ran" i replied

"why would you run?" he asked

because i love you.

"because you didn't deserve to get hurt" i replied

"right" he said nodding his head

we walked into the common room where Astoria was sitting on a couch waiting for him.

her eyes grew wide in fear when she saw him with me.

she probably thought i'd undone the spell.

"what are you doing with her?" she snapped

i rolled my eyes.

astoria really pissed me off.

this was the last thing i needed today.

"Shut your dirty mouth your astronomical cunt" i screeched at her

she looked at me slightly stunned.

"you can't talk to me like that" she insisted

"watch me" i replied as i continued walking to my dorm

"don't walk away from me!" she called out

"il walk away from you if i want to walk away" i spat

she stormed up to me.

"oh fuck off!" i whined

i didn't even realise what i did until Astoria squealed.

i'd punched her in the face.

that felt good.

"awh look, just like old times!" i sneered as i turned and continued walking to my dorm.

i walked into my dorm smirking.

"what's got you all happy?" pansy asked

"i just punched Astoria" i laughed as i flopped onto my bed

Dark daughter ; Draco x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now