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January 8th

We were sat at breakfast the next morning and me and Draco were stressed as fuck!

Neither of us eat anything.

"Omg look it's Katie bell! The one that got cursed!" Alina whispered

Fucking hell!

Could things get any worse?

"I have to go" Draco said getting up quickly

"Draco wait!" I said following him

He stopped in the middle of the two tables looking Harry dead in the eyes.

He knew.

I could tell by the look in his eyes.

Draco turned round and rushed out the hall.

I went to follow him by Alina grabbed my arm

"Where are you two going?" She asked

"I can't explain right now we'll be back later" I said pulling my arm away from her and going after Harry and Draco.

I followed behind Harry to the girls bathroom.

I hid behind the wall and watched as potter went in.

I could hear Draco crying.

"I know what you did malfoy, you hexed her didn't you" harry said and Draco shot round.

I walked in and stood to the side where they could both see me.

Draco was shaking.

He pulled his wand out and shot a non verbal 'stupefy' at Harry

He dodged it and shot an 'expeliarmous' back.

Draco ran to the other side of the toilets, Harry followed.

"Draco don't!" I yelled but he didn't listen and shot another spell at Harry

He missed it again and the two of them stood at opposite ends of the toilets.

Draco bent down on the floor to try and see harry underneath the stalls.

Harry clearly had the same idea as I heard Draco shoot a spell at him.

Draco got up and ran back into the opening again.

"Draco stop!" I yelled

Harry ram round the corner and shot a spell I hadn't heard of before at Draco.

It hit him.

He fell back onto the floor as pools of blood began forming on his shirt.

"What the fuck did you do to him!" I yelled at Harry

Draco gasped for air as I held onto his hand

"Draco can you hear me?" I sobbed

"What did you do!" I yelled at Harry again

He just looked at me blankly

"ANSWER ME DAMIT!" I screamed

He didn't answer again.

I turned back to Draco as more and more blood poured out of him.

"Draco.." I cried

I wanted to help him but I couldn't without knowing what spell Harry had hit him with.

Snape barged in past Harry and knelt next to Draco.

Harry ran off.

I stayed there with Draco as Snape repeated the words

'Vulnera sanentur' while holding his wand over Draco.

I was still clutching his hand as the blood in the water began to flow back into him.

Draco passed out as Madame pomfrey came in with people carrying a stretcher.

They lifted him onto it and rushed him to the hospital wing.

I ran behind them and stood to the side as Madame pomfrey worked on Draco.

"He should wake up in a few hours if you want to stay with him" she said to me

I nodded and sat in the chair next to him.

She left and I wiped my tears on my sleeve.

"Please be ok" I whispered to myself as I held his hand.

About 3 & 1/2 hours later he began to stir.

He opened his eyes and fixed them on me.

"Thank god your alive" I said kissing his hand

"Where am I?" He asked

"The hospital wing, do you remember what happened?" I asked

He took a moment to think before he nodded

"Yeah I remember" he said

"How do you feel?" I asked

"Sore" he replied

"Do you want me to find Madame pomfrey and get her to give you more pain elixir?" I asked

He nodded.

I kissed his hand again "il be back in a minute" I said as I left the room.

I walked around a bit before I found Madame pomfrey at the top of the stairs talking to Madame hooch.

"Madame pomfrey?" I asked

"Yes dear?" She asked

"Could Draco have some more pain elixir as he's awake?" I said

"Of course Il come and do it now" she said

Madame hooch left and she walked with me back to Dracos bed.

I sat back down next to him as she grabbed a grey bottle.

She poured a small amount and passed it to Draco.

His hands were shaking so i helped him get it to his lips.

Once he was done I took the cup and placed it on the table.

"Better?" I asked him

"Much" he replied

"I suggest you get some rest mr malfoy, I've left some sleeping draughts on the side table in case you have trouble getting off" she said

He nodded and turned his head to me.

"What time is it?" He asked

"1pm" I replied

He sighed and moved his head back to the middle.

"You need to sleep Draco" I said

"How can I when I've got you to look at?" He said

"You need rest to get better" i replied

"You have sleeping draughts if you need them" I said

He nodded indicating he wanted one.

I poured a little tablet out the pot and popped it in his mouth and gave him a glass of water.

He took it and I put the water back down.

"It should work in about a minute" I said

"I don't want you to wait for me to wake up" he said

"Il get a book or some magazines so I won't be bored, I'm not leaving you here" I replied

"I love you" he said

"I love you too" I replied as he fell asleep.

Dark daughter ; Draco x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now