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September 5th

we'd only been back a week and it was hell.

Lessons were dull and meaningless.

The carrows skulked around the halls making sure nobody was breaking the rules.

we had to eat in silence.

everyone had to walk in rows of no more than two on the left side of the halls.

we had to be back in our common rooms by 8:30 with the exception of Astronomy.

Draco and i hadn't really had to do anything as head students yet but for the most part people were behaving out of fear.

The poor first years were absolutely petrified and their little faces were all terrified and empty.

Everyone in the hall looked miserable and even a bit scared.

they all knew things were changing and things were happening.

most hid from me. they all knew my father was responsible.

i knew harry potter wasn't here this year because he was trying to stop my father.

i hope he succeeds.

nobody in this world deserves what my father is doing.

soon enough we headed to potions.

pansy was the only one i had in that class.

we took seats next to each other as slughorn began the class.

even he was different.

he wasn't himself, he wasn't cheery or smiley. he was emotionless and glum.

the class dragged out for the hour but i wasn't really listening.

i didn't even notice when it was over until pansy nudged me.

i packed my things and we headed outside.

there was a growing sound of somebody crying uncontrollably getting closer.

i looked around to see where it was coming from but couldn't see it.

then i felt something thud into me.

i turned round to see a little girl crying.

she was clearly a 1st year.

her eyes widened looking at me in realisation of who i was.

"p-please h-help" she stuttered looking at me with watery eyes

i bent down to her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"what's going on?" i asked her calmly.

she looked round seeing there were people watching our interaction.

she didn't reply, it was like she was frozen.

soon enough Alecto carrow stormed round the corner with a face of rage.

"ELEANOR CAMPBELL!!!" alecto yelled, silencing the hallway

the girl in front of me let out a small sob.

she was clearly who alecto wanted.

she was just a little girl. she didn't deserve whatever alecto was going to do.

i wouldn't allow it.

i took Eleanor's hand and stood slightly in front of her as i faced alecto.

"miss riddle? kindly move so i can sanction miss Campbell" alecto demanded

"i can't do that" i said trying to stand my ground against her

"and why not? as deputy head i have authority" she replied glaring at me

"and what has this girl done to deserve punishment?" i questioned

"she arrived late to my lesson, which is against the rules" alecto replied

Eleanor squeezed my hand "i-i couldn't find the classroom" she sobbed

i gave her a reassuring smile.

"that hardly deserves punishment" i argued to alecto

"it is not in your power to stop me" she sneered

"your right but that doesn't mean i won't do it anyway" i replied

Alectos face flushed with rage.

suddenly i felt a hot pain on my cheek.

it took me a minute to realise that alecto had slapped me.


i heard gasps from the other students listening and watching.

i glared at alecto with pure hatred

"i'm sure your father would love to hear about you disobeying your professors" alecto declared

"i don't give a single shit about what you blab to him. what i do care about is you hurting innocent children" i argued

"I shall be reporting you for this incident" alecto hissed at me

"i look forward to it" i replied

she grunted and swiftly began walking away.

once she had turned the corner i looked back down to the little Eleanor who was still clinging to me.

"you saved me from her...thank you" she said hugging me.

i hugged her back.

once she let go her gaze lifted to my cheek.

she touched it with her small fingers.

"i'm sorry she hit you" she apologised

"it's alright, i'm just glad it wasn't you" i smiled

"what lesson do you have next?" i asked her

"herbology but i'm going to be late..." she replied, fear filling her face again.

"how about i walk you? you can't get told off if i vouch for you. plus i don't think professor sprout would be harsh about it" i offered

i guess being head girl has some perks.

"okay thank you" she replied

"cmon then" i said as i started to walk towards the greenhouse

she was still holding onto my hand as we walked.

soon enough we reached the greenhouse and we walked inside.

"miss campbell was with me for the start of the lesson" i said to professor sprout

"alright dear, come along then" she said to Eleanor and gesturing towards a table.

Eleanor sat down and i began to leave.

i took a last glance at Eleanor who mouthed thank you again at me.

my heart warmed knowing i had helped someone.

i couldn't bring myself to go to my next lesson so i headed to dracos dorm.

i knew he'd be in there as he had a free lesson.

i knocked on the door and he soon let me in.

his eyes immediately fixed on my cheek.

"what's this?" he asked as he took me inside.

"alecto. i stopped her from hurting a 1st year" i answered

"that was sweet" he replied

he brought his fingers to my face where he softly touched the bruise.

"here let me get that" he said as he sat me down on his bed.

he got his wand out and healed it with a simple spell.

"thank you" i smiled

"always" he replied before planting a kiss on my lips.

Dark daughter ; Draco x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now