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January 1st

happy fucking new year.

i still had no progress on the Draco situation.

Theo as refusing to speak to me.

Pansy and Alina were constantly peppering me with questions i couldn't answer.

i needed a fucking break.

that's why i had dug into my secret stack of alcohol and why i was sitting on the astronomy tower downing a bottle of straight vodka.

i didn't feel anything when i was drunk so maybe that's why i did it.

it was still fairly early and the sun had only just start to set.

i knew an astronomy class would be coming up any second so i peeled myself off the floor and stumbled back into the hallway.

It was cold and the hallway was dimly lit.

there was nobody else out.

nobody wanted to go out anymore in fear of seeing a carrow or snape.

i dragged myself down to the Slytherin common room and mumbled the password to get in.

i stumbled into the empty room and lobbed myself onto one of the couches, dropping my empty bottle next to me.

Blaise pov

i had just finished the most boring astronomy lesson of my life and was walking back into the common room.

i noticed someone slumped over a couch with an empty alcohol bottle.

it was a girl.

her hair was messily covering her face.


that's fucking y/n.

i couldn't leave her down here all night.

"for fucks sake y/n" i muttered as i approached her "are you conscious?"

she groaned in response.

"il take that as a yes" i sighed "can you stand?"

she just groaned at me again.

"i guess that's a no" i murmured as i tried lifting her off the couch.

she wasn't helping. she was all floppy.

i eventually picked her up and carried her bridal style to her dorm.

i knocked on the door and waited for one of the girls to answer.

i was hoping for Alina.

me and pansy didn't really speak after we broke up.

it was just my luck that pansy was indeed the one to answer.

she took one look at y/n and sighed.

"come in" she said opening the door wide enough.

i carried y/n inside and placed her on her bed.

pansy came over and removed her shoes and tucked her under the covers.

she then grabbed a bin and placed it on the floor next to her bed.

"is she alright?" i asked

"she will be" pansy replied "thanks for bringing her"

"no problem" i replied with a smile

even if we were broken up i still cared a lot for pansy.

"anyways il leave you to it" i said as i headed to the door

"bye" i heard her mutter as i left.

clearly this whole Draco thing was hitting y/n harder than any of us thought.

Dark daughter ; Draco x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now