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December 1st

"You bloody bitch!" I heard Astoria yell across the great hall at breakfast.

Her hair was blue.

It worked.

She must've done a hair mask last night.

Me and pansy burst out laughing at her.

"So it was you!" She spat

"Yes it was us" I replied trying to hold back my laughter

"Your so immature!" She sneered and I just laughed again

"What did you ever see in her? She's literally psychotic" She said to Draco

"Don't bring me into this!" He said holding his hands up

"The fuck you whining about now?" I groaned at her

"Just about how your a self absorbed psycho and the daughter of the most evil wizard" she replied

"Girl you've got some nerve saying stuff like that" I said

"It's true! Your a bad person just like him!" She said

I'd had enough of her bullshit.

I stood up and threw my entire cup of water in her face.

Theo oooohed as it hit her.

"Just proving my point further, psychotic" she exclaimed

"Your just saying that because I didn't have my life handed to me on a silver platter by mummy and daddy" I replied

"Please. We all know who your father is, you probably get everything you've ever wanted!" She said

I couldn't hold back with her.

I slapped her as hard as I could round the face.

It felt good.

She cradled her cheek.

"You have absolutely no clue what your talking about" I spat as I began to walk away

"Psycho!" She yelled

"Merry fucking Christmas!" I yelled back putting both middle fingers up at her.

I wasn't looking where I was going an walked into someone.

"Sor.." I started and saw it was Leo

"Oh hi Leo!" I said

"Y/n! I was looking for you actually" he said

"Oh really, why?" I asked

"I have something for you" he said handing me a small purple box

"What is this?" I asked

"A Christmas present" he said

"Oh, you didn't have to get me a present but thank you!" I said

"I wanted to, your nice to me" he said

"Open it then" he said

"Right" I said opening the box

It was a collection of sweets and chocolates.

"Thank you" I said again hugging him

"Merry Christmas" he said before walking into the hall

"Merry Christmas" I said back before making my way to dorm.

I got dressed into my robes just as there was a knock.

I opened it to see Draco.

He let himself in and held up a bottle.

"I have the mead do you have the poison?" He asked

He was clearly stressed over it.

"I do" I said getting it out from the bottom of my bedside drawer.

"Great let's do it" he said

He's getting straight to the point.

I didn't argue.

I poured the black liquid carefully into the open bottle.

He shook it carefully and re sealed the bottle with a spell.

"Do you think it will work?" He asked

"It has to" I replied

"Does anyone know you had poison? Anyone that could link his death to you?" He asked

It was as if he cared.

He clearly doesn't if he broke up with me.

"No. Nobody knows I had it" I replied

"Good, I guess il see you in potions later then?" He asked

"Yep" i replied and he hurried out the door with the laced mead.

Why were all my conversations so short today?

Pansy burst through the door followed by Alina.

"I have Gryffindor news!" She announced

I looked up at her

"You know how we thought granger and Weasley had a thing?" She started

I nodded

"It turns out it's just her as he's gotten with lavender brown after they kissed the other day and now potter and granger aren't really speaking to him!" She said

"Why would he go for a troll like brown?" I said

"Dunno but it's a step up from mudblood Hermione Isn't it" she said

"I guess" i replied

"Are you coming to charms?" She asked

"Yeah let me grab my books!" I said picking up my wand and bag

"Let's go" I said and the three of us left for classes.

Dark daughter ; Draco x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now