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October 1st

I had prepared the cursed necklace and had it in a box in my bag on my bed.

We were all going to the three broomsticks for lunch.

I wrapped up warm as it was snowing and me pansy and Alina went to meet the boys in the carriages.

Draco helped me up and I sat down next to him.

We had planned to give the necklace to someone today.

I held onto his hand for the journey to Hogsmead.

We arrived and me and Blaise went to order the drinks whilst the others got a table.

We returned a few minutes later with 6 butter beers.

I was sitting next to Draco and could feel him reaching inside my bag.

He wanted to do this now.

I don't blame him for wanting to get it out of the way.

He took the box out sliding it under his jacket.

He then excused himself to the bathroom.

I made sure none of the others left for the bathroom whilst he was in there.

He returned without the box just as the waitress was taking our orders.

He looked into my eyes and I knew it was done.

"c'est fait, je l'ai donné à katie bell et lui ai dit de le donner à dumbledore et de ne pas me mentionner" he whispered into my ear (its done, i gave it to katie bell and told her to give it to dumbledore and not mention me)

I gave him a soft smile and he placed his order.

Something about him speaking French was incredibly hot.

He held tightly onto my hand under the table.

Around 10 minutes later our food came out.

I ordered a snack share-board so nobody noticed I didn't eat.

I was too stressed at the moment.

The others Finished of their food and the share board and we headed outside.

"I have an idea!" Pansy squealed dragging us all into the snow.

She scooped up a ball and threw it at me.

"Oh you'll pay for that!" I said as I threw one back

She picked up another throwing it at Blaise.

Soon enough we were all throwing snowballs at each other.

Everyone was laughing and having fun,

It was nice for us all to be happy together and especially to see Draco enjoying himself.

I was about to throw a snowball at Theo when I heard a scream.

"Guys shhhh did you hear that?" I asked and everyone stopped to listen

There was another scream so we all ran over to see what was happening.

Leanne turner was the one screaming.

There was someone floating in the air unconscious.

It was Katie bell.

She dropped down next to her friend.

Harry, Ron and Hermione also walked over with Hagrid.

"Do not touch that!" He said pointing to something as he picked Katie up

I looked to see what he was pointing at.

The necklace.

My necklace.

The one that was meant to kill Dumbledore.

I looked at Draco who looked equally as scared.

"We should go" Alina said and we all agreed.

We quickly moved past the scene and back to the castle.

"What do you think happened?" Alina asked

"I dunno but it can't be good" Theo replied as we began walking to the common room talking about what we saw.

I couldn't make out what anyone was saying, my eyes went blurry and I went dizzy.

Theo was the person I could see the closest so I reached my hand out for his shoulder.

He stopped and turned around right as I fell.

I wasn't unconscious I could still partly hear.

I knew it wouldn't be long until I did faint tho.

"Y/n! Y/n!" I could hear him saying through my muffled ears

"We need to take her to the hospital wing!" Alina said

"No, they won't do anything for her, you know that" he replied

"What do we do then!" She exclaimed

"Take her to my dorm and wait for her to wake" Draco said

I felt someone pick me up, I could tell it was Draco by the smell of his cologne.

Another wave of dizziness hit and I fainted.


I felt the dizziness lifting and I slowly opened my eyes.

I was in Dracos dorm.

The others had gone but Draco was sat beside me.

"Y/n! Your awake!" He said sitting up

"Are you ok?" He asked all panicked

"I'm fine don't worry" I said smiling at him

"What was that?" He asked

"The necklace it didn't work, I think it stressed me so much I fainted" I replied

"I'm glad your ok and we will find another way than the necklace" he said taking my hand.

Dark daughter ; Draco x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now