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November 15th

"Y/n your gonna wanna see this" pansy said across the table at breakfast

She handed me the daily prophet and pointed to an article

Y/n riddle daughter of he who must not be named.

Extremely dangerous witch.

She has been caught at Hogwarts school of wizardry threatening and fighting other students.

She appears to be exactly like her father and must be dealt with.

She is a clear danger to all others at the school and furthermore to those who don't even attend

McGonagall warned me about this.

I bet it was that bitch Rita skeeter from the triwizard tournament.

She hated me back then as well!

I went to my first lesson, charms, and I could hear people around me gossiping.

I turned round shoving my middle finger up and them and giving them a dirty look.

"Just ignore them!" Pansy whispered next to me

"Bit late now!" I replied as Filtwick rambled on about learning the 'point me' charm

It creates a bubble with a compass inside.

It was also extremely easy for me as I learnt it in 3rd year.

I was bored the entire lesson although I got slytherin 15 house points for knowing how to do it.

Flitwick dismissed us and I was about to leave when I felt someone grab my arm.

"Draco?" I asked seeing it was him

"I need to talk to you it's important, can we talk somewhere private?" He asked

"Yeah sure, we can go to my dorm pansys with blaise and Alina has detention" I suggested

"Alright" he replied and we headed to my dorm together.

There was only 2 things he would talk to me about now so I knew exactly what it was.

Cabinet or dumbledore.

We reached my dorm and I let him in.

"I'm going to the toilet il be back in a second" I said walking into the bathroom.

Dracos pov

I sat down on her bed waiting for her to be done.

The room looked the same as the last time I was here.

The sheets smelt like her.

It was comforting.

If she only knew how much I missed her.

I noticed she still had up all of our photos.

They were pinned neatly to the posts of her bed entwined with string lights.

I also noticed she still wears the necklace I got her.

I want her to know how much I love her but I can't say.

Too much time has passed.

Or maybe she feels the same.

After all she still has the necklace and photos.

The bathroom door opened and she walked out

Y/n pov

"What is it you wanted to talk about?" I asked sitting down next to him

Dark daughter ; Draco x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now