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January 27th

it must've been late as all the classes were empty and the hall was dirty from dinner.

i headed down to the Slytherin common room, my whole body still shaking and in agonising pain.

i muttered the password and walked into the room.

there were still people in there.

my eyes scanned the room until they landed on, pansy, theo blaise draco and astoria.

pansy got up immediately after she saw me and ran up to me.

"jesus christ y/n! what the hell happened!?" she asked as she sat me down on the couch opposite the others.

"a lovely reunion with daddy dearest" i uttered

i heard her let out a short sigh as she sat next to me.

i noticed theo bringing her the first aid kit.

she began to clean off the blood on my face with a damp cotton pad.

i looked over at Draco who seemed to have something going on in his head.

"Draco? are you alright?" i asked

his eyes shot up at me. and then over to Astoria.

"you took advantage of y/n's leaving" he stated as he glared at her

"what? i-?" she stuttered

"don't fucking lie, i remember" he seethed

he remembers?

but how?

"i remember you casting the homoeiro curse on me" he spat "homoeiro curse..." he repeated

he looked over at me before kneeling on the floor in front of me.

"i am so so sorry" he said holding my hand

" it wasn't your fault" i smiled

he smiled back as he rubbed my hand.

"but how did the curse stop? i didn't find a way to break it..." i said confused

"to undo it you must show the person cursed why they love the person they forgot" draco said

"but i didn't" i argued

"but you did" he replied "you don't know this but...the night i fell in love with you was just after we got together and we were at malfoy manor. the first time i fully saw what your father did"

he sucked in a deep breath.

"seeing you laying on the floor in so much pain, covered in your own blood broke me, knowing i was completely useless and couldn't protect you" he continued " i guess seeing you like this now triggered that memory and undid Astoria's curse"

i guess that made sense.

"you really remember our love?" i asked almost not believing it

he nodded and kissed my hand.

it felt as it my heart had just become 12 pounds lighter.

he took pansys place next to me and pulled his wand out to heal the cut on my face.

once he was done he scooped me up off the sofa and carried me to his dorm.

i took in the sweet smell of his room and took in all the memories that scent had.

he placed me down on his bed and climbed on next to me.

"i love you so much y/n" he whispered in my ear

"i love you too" i smiled as i held his hand.

this was the reunion i was waiting for.

i'd finally gotten it.

i spent the rest of the night explaining everything that had happened with harry and the others.

he just kissed my forehead and held me close.

he pulled me so that i was laying on his chest with my hands round him.

this was what i needed.

my Draco.

Dark daughter ; Draco x y/nजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें