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December 24th

It was Christmas Eve.

My father had asked to speak with me so I was going to meet him downstairs.

"Yes father?" I said walking up to him and his dirty snake nagini

"I would like to discuss tomorrow with you" he said


He's going to tell me to stay in my room and not talk to anybody like he always does.

"I will be out on a raid tomorrow but I have instructed narcissa malfoy to keep you away in your room for the day" he said

Knew it.

"Ok father" I replied

"Is that all?" I asked

"Yes that is all. Go" he demanded

I did I went back up to my room.

I wasn't surprised at this.

He does it every year.

He says I don't deserve a happy Christmas because I stopped him from ever having a happy one again after I 'murdered' my mother.

I'm used it it now.

It was pretty late so I decided to sit on my windowsill watching the snow until it turned 12:00am and it was Christmas Day.

I followed along each snowflake as it hit my window and slid down to the bottom.

My alarm went off at 12 letting me know it was Christmas.

I jumped up and grabbed the presents my friends had given me.

Technically I could open them now as it was officially Christmas Day.

I started with pansys, it was box of brownies but each one was decorated with a different Christmas pattern!

Next was Alinas, hers was a crystal heart with a photo collection of all of our friends in.

Blaise was next, he got me a selection box of my favourite sweets from honeydukes.

Last was Theo's, his was a bottle of my favourite perfume.

I began writing a letter to each of them to wish them a merry Christmas and to say thanks for the presents.

I handed them to my owl and she flew of to deliver them.


December 25th

I woke up around 8 the next morning.

I had a shower, brushed my teeth and hair and got dressed into a white dress.

I might as well dress up.

I've got nothing better to do today.

A house elf knocked on the door around half 8 and delivered me some breakfast.

That's how this day always goes.

I stay alone for the day whilst the elves bring me 3 meals.

I eat my breakfast and flopped back onto my bed already bored.

There was another knock at my door.

It was nowhere near lunch so it couldn't be an elf bring me a meal.

"Come in!" I called out

Narcissa walked in.

"Narcissa?" I asked

"Why don't you come downstairs and open presents with me and Draco?" She said


"My father.." I started but she cut me off

"He isn't here, he won't know" she said

I wasn't sure.

I didn't want either of them to have to face my father for letting me out.

Narcissa picked up on my hesitation and took my hand.

"It will be fine" she said taking me down the stairs.

"You look lovely by the way" she said as we entered the living room

"Thanks" i replied

Draco was in there sitting on the sofa by the tree.

"Morning" he said when he saw me

"Merry Christmas" I replied

He smiled and handed me a box

"What's this?" I asked

"My Christmas present to you" he replied

"Oh" I replied looking down at it.

I unwrapped it to reveal a beautiful silver bracelet.

"It's beautiful thank you!" I said smiling at him

"Here's one from me as well" narcissa said handing me another present

It was a soft green blanket that matched my bedroom perfectly.

"Thanks cissy!" I said giving her a hug

"That's alright dear" she said

Draco opened his presents From Narcissa and others that had sent him ones.

He got to a black box.


"It doesn't say who it's from" he said looking at it

"It's from me" I said

"Oh, thanks" he said opening it

It was a ring I had picked out before we broke up.

I decided I would still give it to him anyway.

He put it on. "Thanks I love it!" He said

"Good" I replied

I also got narcissa a blanket but I got hers embroidered with the Malfoy crest.

She thanked me and then went to check on the elves cooking the dinner.

"It's the first time I've even seen you at Christmas" Draco said

"It's the first time I've seen you at Christmas as well" I replied

"It's nice" he said

"I just hope my father doesn't find out I'd hate for him to punish narcissa or you over this" i said

"He won't find out" he said

"I hope so" i replied

Narcissa came back into the room.

"Dinner will be ready in 2 hours" she announced

"What would you like to do in the meantime?" She asked

I didn't know so I stayed silent.

"We could watch a movie?" Draco suggested

"Good idea" Narcissa replied

"Il get some blankets and snacks!" She added and left to get them.

I sat down on the sofa as Draco created a screen bubble.

"What do you want to watch?" He asked

"I don't mind you pick" I said

"Nativity?" He asked

"Perfect" I replied

He made it appear in the bubble and sat down on the sofa with me.

Narcissa came back with cookies and blankets.

She handed each of us a blanket and put the cookies down on the table.

She then took a seat on an armchair as the film began.

Dark daughter ; Draco x y/nKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat