"Come on!" He grabs my hand, rushing back over to the door. Before he can get it open, his head is suddenly smashed into it. His head hits it instantly before it bobs back.

Without thinking, I try getting James to let go of him. I grab hold of his arm, pulling him away with all my strength but it's no use. James keeps smashing his head into the door, again, again and again until Angus finally loses balance before stumbling to the ground, holding his head. I panic even more seeing him on the ground. James sends me daggers as he stares down at me.

My heart feels like it's about to burst out of my chest with the way it's beating, I clutch my chest tightly, trying to reason with him," Please James, just listen!"

"Listen to what? More lies," he scoffs as he smacks my arm off him. I back away as he walks towards me.

"Tell me august, was this all a lie? Was he really telling the truth about you not loving me?!"

I back up more and more until I enter another dark room, stopping as I realize that I'm in the living room. "James I want to explain everything to you but you're not letting me!"

He stops walking, brows locking together as he searches for the truth in his heart.

"Please..." I gently take his hand, rubbing it softly in attempt to soothe him.

"Was it all a lie?" His voices softens some, as if he's genuinely hurt by this misunderstanding.

"Of course not! I love you James and only you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I'd never leave you!"

His gaze shifts from anger to distress as he looks at me. I keep rubbing his hand, staring intently at him.

'Please understand. Think things through and see that this is all just a misunderstanding!'

He lets out a breath as his mouth parts open, but before he can say anything, the floor boards behind him creak. He whips his head back, immediately dodging the bat Angus swings at him as he moves to the side. Everything happens in an instant and before I can even react, I'm suddenly falling to my knees, holding my throbbing head in pain.

Muffled screams surround me as everything starts to blur.

"Look at what you've done!"

"I didn't.....I didn't mean too..." Angus mumbles as he steps back in disbelief, staring down at me with in panic his eyes.

Through my blurred vision I can see James stepping towards him. In a split second, I try crawling over but collapse to the ground.

I can feel myself beginning to reawaken as my brows knit tightly together. A slightly heavy weigh falls over me as my eyelids open up to the darkness around me. As I blink away my hazy vision, a figure appears in front of me, James. My head throbs in pain as I sit up, looking the room.

'How did I get back in bed? '

James is beside me, holding the covers in his hands as if he were about to tuck me in. My brow raises as I eye him up and down. He watches me with a calm expression before he asks as if nothing happened," What's the matter?"

"What do you mean what the matter?" My eyes scan around the room as images of what happened really in mind. 'Angus, the fight, me passing out...it all just happened so why the hell am I back in my room as if it hadn't? '

He slowly lets go of the covers, they fall onto my lap as he sorts of nods.

"Why aren't you answering me? I don't need you to nod I need you to be explaining to me what the fuck is going on?"

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