Chapter 29

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After another thirty minutes pass by of us being outside, we call it a day. Angus and I walk little James back to his house as James goes back inside to warmup.

Little James's parents apologize on his behalf for trespassing, but we say it's alright before walking back over to our house.

"That was nice of James to play with him," Angus says while putting his hands in his pockets. I tug on the hem of the hoodie James gave me as I smile saying," Yeah, he's really great."

Angus cocks his brow up as he looks over at me, before he could say anything more, James opens the front door for us.

Tension grows as James stares down at Angus. I walk in the doorway beside James as I motion for Angus to come in. He steps in and closes the door behind him. Once we were all inside, I say," Does anyone want crepes?"

They both give me a confused look as I go over to the kitchen," How about you guys watch a movie while I make an appetizer?"

"How about a horror movie?" James suggests as he smirks at Angus who rolls his eyes in disapproval.

"A horror movie with a serial killer sitting beside me? Yeah, absolutely not," he says sarcastically while crossing his arms.

I take out some crepe ingredients and place them on the counter while James and Angus go back and forth debating about what to watch. In the end, they ended up watching titanic.

"The food's ready," I say as I sit in between them, placing a large spread of crepes on the glass table in front of the couch.

"Thanks," Angus sniffles as he takes one of the crepes. He's really emotional when it comes down to watching sad movies, so I wasn't surprised to see him crying softly.

"Yeah, thanks august," James says as he reaches for a crepe, as he does, I can also see tears forming in his eyes.

"Are you crying?" I ask while pulling his face towards me.

"I'm not," he says while pulling away.

I snuggle beside him as I say," You so were."

He pulls me closer to him as he whispers for me to shush. I lay my head on his shoulder completely forgetting about Angus being right next to us. I looked over to see him scratching his ear as he snuck glances at us. I quickly move away from James and sit up during the rest of the movie.

I must've fallen asleep during the movie because when I woke up again, I was no longer in the living room. I scratched my head as I sat up realizing I was back in our bedroom. James laid beside me sleeping soundlessly. Carefully, I got out of bed trying not to wake him. The room was pitch black, so I could barely see but somehow, I was able to make it to the door.

I turned to James making sure he was still sleep, thankfully he was. Feeling a bit thirsty, I decide to go downstairs for a glass of water. As I reach the end of the stairs, I hear a voice coming from the kitchen.

I lighten my footsteps as I quietly walk towards the kitchen to see Angus sitting at the table with a house phone to his ear. "You made a drawing today in class? Aw sweetie, I wish I was there to see it," he says to the other person on the line.

"I don't know when I'll be home, I'm sorry," he turns his head towards me as I enter the kitchen. I give him a smile as I make my way to the sink." Hey, your uncle just stepped into the room, want to say 'hi' really quick?" Hearing this, I turn to him and mouth,' Is it angel? ', his youngest daughter.

He nods as I go over to him, I take the phone nervously. I haven't talked to or even seen my niece for over three years now so I was afraid she wouldn't recognize my voice.

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