Chapter 21

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I crawl over to James's body as he groans out in pain, his hands tremble as he holds onto his stomach, coughing up blood. My hands move his away to see how big the wound is, I want to puke at the sight of it, but I resist. Placing his hands back down and pressing my hands over his as well, I freeze up while thinking of what to do. Tears fall from the corners of his eyes as he mumbles weakly," Leave me here, just get somewhere safe!"

"I'm not leaving you here!"

He coughs up more blood," I-I'm fine."

"Don't tell me you're fine! You're bleeding!" I scream as I hold him close to me. His head lays on my shoulder as his upper body slouches against mine.

"I know it hurts. You just have to trust me, okay? I'll get you out of here. Don't close your eyes, please. Keep them open for me!"

I can barely even concentrate on anything because my ears are still ringing from the blast just now. 'I can't lose the only person to ever truly make me want to live, not like this. We were only just starting to move forward with our lives. Please God give me a break, don't take him from me! '

His mother aims her revolver that was still smoking towards me," You have only thirty seconds to take him and get the fuck out of my house before I call the cops."

My heart sinks, seeing it pointed at me. Though she was a few feet away it felt like her weapon was merely inches away from me. James yells as I struggle to pull him to his feet," I know, I know, it'll all be over soon. Just please stay awake."

His blood leaks onto my clothes as I carefully get him to stand. I hold him up with his shoulder with my other arm around his waist, holding him gently but also with some grip so he doesn't collapse again. Once I get the main door open and leave, it shuts behind us quickly. I bite my tongue, holding myself back from saying anything to his mother. 'How could she do this and then just toss him out as if he's nothing??? This is her fucking son for gods sake! I guess it doesn't matter now, he has me. I'll take care of him.'

It took all my energy to pull James's bulky body in the car. He loses more blood by the minute. Once he was inside, I start to pull out of the long driveway and into the road. I quickly grab the map from the back seat and locate the directions to Angus's house.

During the fifteen-minute drive, I constantly tell him to stay calm and put pressure on his wound. By the time we arrived to my brothers two story home, it was nightfall. Fortunately for us, there was nobody outside, giving me a good chance to bring James inside without being seen.

I drag his body out from the car and into the house as quickly as possible. He's barely able to move as I get him to a couch that laid center in the living room when you first come in.

"Agh, fucking hell," he groans. I run my fingers through my hair, staining my strands with his blood. 'What do I do? What do I do?! ' I can feel the fear of losing him starting to creep up inside of me. My heart is hurting just from looking at him right now. There's a hole in his stomach and he's bleeding out like crazy. Though he seems to be a bit calm, his eyes are still filled with tears. I want to help him but I can't seem to move, it's like I'm frozen in place, watching everything around me fall apart.

"August!" James yells, pulling me out of my thoughts. I quickly crouch down beside him," I'm here, what is it?"

His breathing becomes more slower, I can tell he's just barely holding on before passing out completely.
" Listen, I need you to look around for something sharp that can pull out the bullet. Not a knife either, something like pilers if you can find some. I need you to also get some alcohol and something for me to chew down on."

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