Chapter 13

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After showering I get changed into the silk pajama set James laid out for me. When I come out the bathroom, I see that the two bodies are gone. James is on the ground scrubbing the blood up with a wet cloth. Once I close the door, he looks up at me while wiping off some sweat from his forehead as he says," The clothes fit well."

I tug at the hem of the shirt while walking over to him," When do you have the time to buy these things?"

"You're a heavy sleeper," James says as he continues scrubbing the carpet. As he pushed the cloth into the rug, his veins bulged. I bite my lip as I watch his movements.

"We're going to be driving for a long time, in order to reach my mother's house. She lives in Nashville so I'd like to get there soon," he looks up at me, noticing my staring and says," What is it?"

"Nothing," I say as I go over to the bed.

"Hmm, we'll I usually don't clean up after the messes I make but since your here with me, I'm sure you wouldn't want to see corpses."

I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling as I wonder how our trip is going to go tomorrow.

The room smelled like all types of cleaning supplies, he really is trying to ease my comfort. As I look around, my eye spots a few small splatters of blood on the wall, so I get up and go over to the bathroom to grab a piece of wet toilet paper. James watches as I wipe away the blood splatters. I stand on my toes, trying to get to the last spot, when a warm breeze hits the back of my neck.

Suddenly my body was being pushed against the wall  slightly as James wipes the spot for me. I turn around to face him but I'm met with his chest. My eyes slowly make their way up to his as he stares me down," What were you doing just now?" he asks in a low voice.

I bite my lip before saying," I-I was just trying to help you...clean."

Without saying anything, he leans down so that our faces are only inches away from each other's. I turn my head, trying to avoid his gaze that always makes me nervous. With this opportunity, he leans towards my neck and sniffs it.

I whimper as his hand envelopes around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"I love you so much August," he whispers as he begins planting kisses on my neck. I gasp as I push him away slightly. He's clearly stronger than me, but he allowed himself to be pushed away.

"Don't do that," I say while wiping my neck with my sleeve. He smirks saying," Why? Do you not like it?"

I roll my eyes as I lay back down on the bed, he follows me onto the bed, hugging me as I face away from him.

"Don't be mad Auggie, I didn't mean to upset you. It just made me so happy to see you help me clean, that tells me that you're starting to accept me into your life," he whispers as he snuggles his head on my neck.

I sigh saying," Don't spill nonsense and take a shower, you smell like mister clean."

"Fine," he groans while getting up," But make sure you get some sleep."

I pull the heavy blankets covering me off soon as he closes the bathroom door. The blood that stained the carpet was all gone, like it was never there in the first place. But it was still wet.

'How does he get rid of bodies so fast? He must be a professional at this.'

As I look around, I notice my phone on the table near the door. I haven't seen it since the first day me and James met. He must've taken it when I ran away from him that night, figures. As I approach it, I'm struck with the thought of calling the cops and ending this whole charade once and for all. However, if I call the cops and tell them about everything that's been happening, where will I go after? Back to my shitty life? My parents? Or my ex-girlfriend? No way in hell. I could just continue with the plan I had in the first place and find my own happiness but then I'll be alone. James loves me, for the first time in my life someone is actually in love with me. I want to keep and cherish this feeling forever, even though it's wrong, I just want to keep this happiness with me.

I grab my phone and press it's power button. The first thing I see is a bunch of missed calls from Angus.

Knowing how angry James gets over small matters, I just decide to send him a small text saying that I am fine. Soon as I send it, angus texts back saying," where have you been?"

I smile at his text while answering," I'm fine, I just wanted to clear my mind, so I turned off my phone."

"I was worried sick August, I'm not so sure about this little plan of yours anymore. If you're near a TV, turn it on to fox news NOW!"

Feeling curious, I find a remote and turn on the small television on the table.

I didn't even get to turn to fox news to see what he was talking about because every station was filled with breaking news.

On the small screen, a reporter is in front of a large mansion guarded by police. I find that the tv is muted so I turn it up a bit to listen in. Here's what the reporter is saying," It has been two weeks now since Multi-millionaire James London has been reported missing. Police were informed by the London's neighbors that the family hadn't come outside for days. When they arrived there, they found seventeen-year-old Lylah London and thirty-nine-year-old Lily London murdered in their family living room. Forensics had a hard time figuring out the cause of death as all the blood from the victims' bodies were painted around the Living-room's wall. The only trace of Mr. London being at the scene happens to be his wedding ring sitting on their coffee table. Police informed us that Mrs. London was having an affair with her boss. When Mr. London found out, he went crazy and killed her and their daughter. There is now a manhunt for thirty-four-year-old James London, he was last spotted leaving a small gas station just outside Maine. If you have any tips, please don't hesitate to contact your local law enforcement."

'Millionaire? '

As the reporter went on to talk about the motel slaughter, I got a few more texts from Angus.

"Where are you at now? I know you were heading east, that's not too far from where that freak lived."

I felt angry at Angus for calling him that but there wasn't anything I could say. I wouldn't want him finding out I was with him and then calling the cops. They would take away the only good thing in my life.

"I'm in Columbus now... I think," I reply, not too sure if that's correct.

"Damn you got far, okay but just keep in mind that I have that small house in Nashville. If you need somewhere to crash just go there, the password to the gates is your birthday."


After saying goodnight to him, I place the phone back to where it was in the first place then continue watching TV.

The police were following us, but they were a few towns behind, they never mentioned me at all, so I was relieved. There was now a bounty for whoever caught James, dead or alive. Which was really fucked up.

"Man, three hundred thousand dollars just for little ole me?" James's voice comes from behind me, making me jump. I look at him but turn back once I see that he only has sweatpants on and a small towel around his neck.

"'s crazy," I mumble.

He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him so that my back is pressed against his chest.

I chew on my bottom lip as he whispers," You're still here? I thought you'd be gone by time I got out; guess you might be growing fond of me."

"Maybe," I whisper but he hears me and turns me around to face him. I look up at him, our eyes meeting with lust. I can tell he wants me, and I want him.

My heart feels like it's about to burst into flames with how hot I feel.

"There's no place I'd rather be right now than with you."

His brows lift slightly as he thinks.

We stare at each other intently before he finally says," I like to hear that."

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