Chapter 2

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Fuck my job, fuck my Ex-girlfriend and fuck my life.

It's time for me to make a new life for myself, one where I don't need to be treated like a disappointment.

And that's exactly what I'm doing. I took all of my money from my bank account and just started driving, going anywhere.

Fuck, Niagara Falls.

I was heading east, no destination in mind just me alone on the road. I want to be happy, that's all I ever wanted. Now that I'm already twenty-seven, I need to start working on a better life for myself.

Because that's what I deserve.

I haven't stopped driving since I left the bank and was getting tired.

The only thing I had with me was my car, a map, thirty-five thousand dollars in cash and the clothes on my back. The sky is starting to turn dark now, I need to find out where I am.

I kept a hand on the wheel as I use my other hand to grab the map on the passenger's seat.

I looked at the map for a quick moment and turned it.

"I think I'm in Vermont now?" I say to myself.

While looking at it, another car beeps their horn loudly at me, making me jolt. I look up from the map and realized I was in the wrong lane.


I quickly swerve back on the right side. The person in the car that honked at me gives me the finger as they ride past.

I calm myself down by taking in slow breaths.

'Shit, that was close. I should probably take a break now. '

I drive down the country road until I spot a faded light up ahead. Slowly, I make my way over to it to realize that it was a motel.

Some Shaddy men stand outside of the entrance doors, eyeing me as I pull into the parking lot. I tuck the small envelope with all my cash into my pocket as take my keys out of ignition.

The motel wasn't the ideal place to stay on the first night of changing your life but it was a place to stay. Shaddy but provides a bed, shabby but provides heat; which I could really use seeing as it is late December. I zip up my winter coat as I make my way inside.

The boy at the front desk was a skinny teenager with long dyed blue hair and piercings all over his face. I smiled as I approached him. He looked extremely bored as he watched the surveillance cameras.

"Hello," I say cheerfully to him.

He looks at me and sighs saying," Just you?"

"Yes sir."

He types something into the computer on his desk and says tonelessly," It'll be sixty-five dollars and forty-nine cents."

I turn a bit so he can't see my cash as I take out the envelope. I take out a hundred dollars but then stopped to think,' He probably just needs a tip to feel better. '

I grab out five hundred more extra dollars and hand the money to him.

His eyes widened as I say with a warm smile," Keep the change."

He hesitates to take the money, probably thinking I'm joking, so I slide it on the desk.

"T-thank you so much sir."

I could see his eyes tearing up as he hands me the key.

I take it and say, " It's nothing, just don't work too hard."

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