Chapter 35

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After around two hours, Chris's corpse was finally disposed of. James and I dragged his body through the house leaving a trail of blood he later made me clean up.

I practically cried the whole time I cleaned, while James buried the body in the back garden. Never in my life have I felt so sick. When we got done cleaning the house and destroying any possible evidence of Chris being here, I slowly make my way upstairs.

My hands were trembling, I try to get them to stop but it's no use. I stand in the bathroom staring at my reflection. We got rid of our shoes and socks, but my body was still covered head to toe in blood.

I go in the shower, wanting to rid myself of everything we've just done. I scrub my skin hard until it starts to swell up.

The clear pool of water at the bottom of the tub starts to turn a dark red shade. I drown my head into the water, wanting to free my mind from everything but it doesn't work.

Every time I close my eyes, I see Chris's body laid out in front of me, motionless and cold. I can still feel James's hand on my cheek from when he smacked it.

I gently caress my face, reminiscing the scene.

"August," James's voice rings out as if he's right outside the shower.

I pull my head out of the water and slowly pull the curtains to the side revealing my head. James stands right in front of the shower as he looks down at me.

I can already feel my chest tightening up with fear.

"Yes?" I mumble.

"Why are you acting like this?"

I look down, trying to find the right words to say.

"Just say something already," he spits out impatiently.

Flinching back, I quickly say," Sorry."

His brows narrow as he rubs his temples," Look, just tell me what's wrong so I can fix it. "

I'm tired of pretending like everything is fine.

"Fix it? Fix what? What could you possibly fix James?"
My hands clutch tightly onto the curtains as I glare at him. His lips part as he lets out a breath.

"I just," I sigh before continuing," I just don't understand why you did that earlier. You know I didn't give you any look indicating for you to take the life of an innocent man. Sure, I was uncomfortable but it's normal for someone to feel uncomfortable when they're being flirted with by a creep. So just tell me, why did you do it?"

He stays silent for a moment before saying," Why not?"

My eyes widen from his statement.

"What do you mean? James, do you understand that this isn't normal?"

"Do you understand that I'm not normal? I did it because he was scum, just like the man I talked about on television this morning. This is what I was talking about earlier, killing bastards like that is what I'm missing in my life. Don't you get that August?" He snaps, raising his voice as his eyes darken.

I immediately go silent, not wanting to upset him anymore.

"You even helped me clean up the blood from the mess I made with those two teenagers last month so why do you care about this man so much? You're just as guilty as me so don't stand here and act like you didn't drag yourself into this lifestyle!"

My bottom lip and hands start to tremble, I want to say that's not true but that'll just be a lie.

"James please just go," I look down to avoid his glare.

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