Chapter 47

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Everything started to hurt but my feelings were hurt more than my body. It felt like the world around me was cold and dark. I needed to get out the house, I couldn't be in a place where I got rejected by my own mom, hit by my own father and abandoned by someone I thought I could be forever with. I wipe away the tears that started forming in my eyes and slowly get up.

I end up spending the rest of my day with my friends. They could tell I was upset about something but don't say anything. Though I usually take a shit load of drugs with them, this night I choose not to. I don't want to forget how shitty I feel, even if I do, I'll just wake up the next day and it'll all hit me at once. Since today was the last day of spring break there were a lot of last day before hell parties. There was a total of almost six parties that my friends and I went to. Drinking, laughing and truly enjoying our youth was all we did. I didn't get high but I sure as hell had a few drinks.

Around one in the morning we decided to go to an old diner that at the time was open twenty-four hours. My friends ordered a lot to relieve their munchies but all I had was a sundae. As I ate, the only thing I could think of was Shawn. He said he loves desserts like sundae's because his family only had them on special occasions. Mainly birthdays so he had them like three times a year. If he was with me, he could've had them every day. I could've treated him so well, but he didn't want that. God, now that I'm thinking of him rejecting me, I'm getting upset again.

"James, what are you thinking about?" Lily, one of the only girls in my friend group asks.

I glare at her as she sits across from me at our booth. Our friends were too busy living in their own world to see how gloomy I was, but not her. She's always been the type to look over me which I hated. I hated being treated like a child and that's exactly what she did. I swear she only joined our group just so she could overbear me with her one-sided love.

"Nothing," I say coldly.

She twirls her straw into her strawberry milkshake as she looks at me with puppy eyes," Do you, maybe want to get out of here?"

Fuck no, but I couldn't just say that to her no matter how upset I was. She's the daughter of my father's business partner so I had to be 'nice to her' or at least that's what my mother told me.

I sigh as I get up, her eyes follow me as I get out our booth and extend a hand to her.

"Come on."

Her cheeks turn rosy as she tucks a strand of hair behind her ear.

We ended up driving to a nearby hotel and fucking. I know that wasn't a good idea, but I didn't give a shit. I just wanted to get Shawn out my mind but of course sex didn't work either. She was everything he wasn't, but she did share the same eye color as him which made me think of him. I thought rebound sex would help with how shitty I felt but it only highlighted the fact that I can't have him. So in the end, I only felt even more shittier. When I was done with her, I left as she went to take a shower. The drive home was silent, I just rolled my window down and let the spring breeze flow through my car. It was well past four in the morning when I arrived home. As I pulled in our long driveway, I noticed that both my parent's cars were gone. When I got inside, I found a note from my mom saying that they both decided to go on a date night and probably won't be back home. I crumbled up the paper and tossed it as I went upstairs to my room.

I tried sleeping but it was useless, my mind was corrupted with thoughts of him. I laid in bed in the darkness for I don't know how long, until I heard a knock on my window. My body aches as I drag myself out of bed. As I tried getting sleep a few minutes ago, it started raining heavily so a tree must be tapping on the window. Or it might be a murderer outside ready to kill me, not that I would mind at this point. I pull back my curtains and reveal the cause of the sudden tapping. My mouth parts open as I see Shawn just barely holding onto the window ceil.

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