Chapter 45

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The year was 1984, just sixteen years ago back when the world wasn't so shitty how it is now.

I was eighteen at the time, in the middle of my senior year, just a few more months until graduation. Me and my friends at the time were party animals. Going anywhere we want, spending however much we want and doing any drugs we could get our hands on.

The first night of spring break came along at a bad time for me and that's because my father was finally coming home from overseas. Not wanting to go home just yet, me and my friends decided to go to a rave and get drunk. After a few drinks and chatting with some older women, I finally decided to go home. I was drunk but I knew that if I got pulled over, I could throw some cash in whatever officer's face and be let off the hook, benefits of being a spoiled kid.

Anyways, I got home at like two in the morning. Barely caring about whoever was sleeping, I opened the front door of my parent's old mansion and tossed my keys onto the ground. First, I tried going straight to my room upstairs, but a bad feeling grew in my stomach. Our home had plenty of bathrooms with toilet's I could've used but being dumb and drunk, I decided to go into our kitchen that was closer to me than anything. From all the noise I made coming inside, my mother came running downstairs instantly in her night gown.

"James! Where on earth have you been?" She yells frantically.

I throw up all over the rims of the sink, not even making it into the bowl. Once I'm done, I turn to her and try speaking but all that comes up is more vomit. She takes a step back in horror. Two of our maids quickly run into the kitchen after hearing a shriek from my mom.

"My lord, your father will be here first thing in the morning and here you are drunk! How will you show face to him like this?" She takes a step towards me in anger but quickly retreats once she realizes how much of a mess I made. Shelly, one of the maids who came to the scene, helps my mother out of the kitchen. The other maid next to her was around my age but I've never seen him before, so I paid him no mind.

"Shelly please help me to my room. I'm afraid if I stay here any longer, I might murder my only son."

Shelly looks to me with pity before quickly helping my mother upstairs. Just before they reach the stairwell, she tells the maid who stood there dumbfounded to help me clean up. I roll my eyes as I turn back to the sink and dip my head into the running water.

The coolness of the water completely wakes me up. I felt much better now that my stomach was empty but strong irritation grew in me as I lifted my head out of the sink and saw my maid just standing there watching me.


He is hesitant to speak which only made me even more upset.

"Hello? Welcome to earth!"

The boy looks me up and down before turning in a different direction. I watch as he goes to the other side of the kitchen table that was dead center in the room and opens up a cabinet. He stands on his toes and jumps a bit just to reach for some towels and cleaning spray. I roll my eyes once more before going over to his side. Hearing the floor creak as I approach him, he stops jumping and looks down at his slippers.

"I'm not that terrifying," I say as I grab the cleaning supplies.

He doesn't look up at me at all. Not even to thank me, which he never did. He only takes the supplies I sat on the table and goes over to my mess. I let out a deep sigh as I take a towel and follow him. The boy crouches down on the ground and wipes my vomit carefully.

"What's your name?"

With no reply he only keeps wiping the mess. The smell of it starts to spread in the air causing me to gag," Hey man, this shit is gross. Just leave it there and I'll do it. I don't need someone cleaning up after my big ass."

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