Chapter 16

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"So basically, we're only a few cities over from Nashville now. We just need one more day of driving to reach there now that we're in Knoxville," James explains as he pulls into a hotel parking lot.

For the past two hours now, I've listened to him go on and on about seeing his mother. I can tell that she is someone who means a lot to him. I'm honestly happy to see him so jolly. He's genuinely been in a good mood all week, never getting upset over anything anymore. I want to be supportive and cheer him on but then again, I have my doubts about how things will go.

If you were in my shoes listening to everything that he's been telling me, you'd have doubts too. I mean don't get me wrong, I really like James...maybe even love him. However if you were me, do you really think that his mother is just going to accept him with open arms after he's killed her grandchildren and daughter in law? Yeah, I thought so.

Though I love seeing him happy, I hate knowing the actuality of what's to come. I want to tell him how I feel about the matter but I'm afraid it's no use. James is someone who wants everything to go his way. He wants this so much that he won't see the reality of things. It's like he blocks out everything bad that can happen and focuses on everything good that will happen.

Me and him are very much different when it comes to this subject. I'm an over thinker and he's a self-oriented person. While he thinks everything will go his way, I think the opposite. His mom will most likely treat him like a stranger, she probably won't even look him in the eye.

James is someone...... I can't say is a good person. Though I can see the potential he has to be that I can't just fully say that he is. He has is flaws, everyone does but it's different when he doesn't acknowledge them and expects everyone to be okay with the type of person he is.

I want to believe that everything will be okay, but I can't help but think it won't.

James steps out of the car, turning to me with a smile," Let's go."

"Right......" I unfasten my seatbelt and step out the car. Our routine lately has been the same, whenever we stopped anywhere to sleep, I'd be the one to check in. Today was no different, I did my usual routine then returned back to the car with our set of keys.

James leaned against the car hood smoking as I approached him.

"Did anyone give you any problems?"

"No...." I mumble, handing him the room keys. He looks me up and down before taking the keys. We both make our way over to the room I checked into and enter.

The room was by far the best room I've checked into since I started my journey. It was spacious with two beds and a nightstand in between them. There was no strange odor filling my nose and it was nicely decorated with black and blue furniture.

James sets down our bags and begins taking off his coat. I close the door as I make my way over to one of the beds, flopping down on it.

I get a whiff of the freshly clean sheets and almost cry out in happiness. This. This is all I need really, just a nice bed and a moment to relax. It feels so good to finally be able to stretch after sitting in the car all day.

" I take it you don't like road trips," James says, smiling down at me.

"I do but there's nothing like a warm bed to make you feel good afterwards," I snuggle into the bed covers, wiggling my shoes off in the process.

"You know......" he sits down beside me with a grin,"......there's other things that'll make you feel good."

I stop wiggling around and look up at him," huh?"

The bed creaks as he hovers over me. My heart goes rapid as I finally catch on to what he's saying. Since I rolled around in the bed covers, I was now trapped in them like a burrito, being barely able to move with James over me.

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