Chapter 52

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A suffering silence passes by before I'm the first one to speak," James-"

"-Going somewhere?"

My brows furrow as I look down at the bags Angus dropped earlier. 'He has the wrong idea. '

"That's not what's going on-"

"-But it's what it looks like. Tell me August, was that all a lie earlier?" He suddenly cuts me off as he begins to slowly make his way downstairs. With each step he takes, the floor boards make a chilling creak.

As he reaches the end of the stairs, Angus tries to block me from him by stepping in front of me but I gently tap his shoulder.

"It's fine," I mumble as I step out from behind him. He keeps quiet, silently watching James's every move but James only seems to have his eyes on me.

I talk fast as I rush to get out my explanation,"James I promise you nothing is going on. I was just seeing Angus off, he's going back home to his family. Isn't that right Angus?" I turn back to him, a little desperate for him to say something.

He keeps his eyes on James as he clenches his fists in a ball," No."

"Angus what are you saying! Please don't provoke him!"

"Provoke him? God dammit August this is your problem now, stop defending this piece of shit."

I can feel my heart drop a beat,' This isn't happening.'

James scoffs as he walks over to me, crossing his arms," I fucking knew it. You were just saying that you weren't going to leave me just so I could keep my guard down. It's a good thing I woke up when I did or your ass would've been across town by now," he yells, voice full of ridicule.

"Oh fuck you! Do you really believe that my brother could love someone like you? A filthy murderer!" Angus grabs my shoulder, pushing me behind him as he takes a step forward. James stands tall, still keeping his dominant demeanor up as he glares down at him.

The darkness of the house is starting to mix in with my anxiety so I flick on the lights. James and Angus are neck and neck as they stare each other down, eyes both filled with hatred.

"Watch how you speak to me," James warns, his hands tightening into fists.

"I'll speak to you however the hell I want! It's as I said before, August will never love someone like you and I'm taking him home with me!"

I shake my head yelling," Angus what did we just talk about?!"

"Fuck that and fuck him, he needs to be given a little dose of reality. When you're the person you've destroyed yourself to be; a sick, psychotic control freak, shit isn't supposed to go your way!"

I let out a skittish breath, trying to talk to him isn't working, he's not listening. I try walking over to James but I'm suddenly stopped as Angus's back pushes into my chest. We both fall back into the door as Angus groans, holding his bleeding nose. Seeing the blood from his nose drip onto the floor makes chills race across my skin.

"Angus!" I gently hold him by his shoulders as he collects himself. James breathes heavily as he walks over to us, he grabs a lock full of Angus's hair, pulling him out of my arms. Angus screams as James begins landing punches into his face. Each time he tries to get away from him, he's knocked down by a blow.

"Stop! James please!" I hurriedly go over to them, trying to push him off my brother but he pushes me away.

Angus manages to hit him right into his wound that was still in the process of healing, James finally lets go of him, coughing uncontrollably.

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