Chapter 1

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"Your family fucking hates you!" 

"Your job over works you and you just caught me sleeping with one of your closest friends!" My girlfriend of three years screams at me as she lights her cigarette.

I could smell the sweaty smell of ecstasy all around our room. My supposed friend, Mark was lying on my bed with a smile on his face as if this was all funny. Fucking the girl I love, lying, and smiling in my face as I went shopping for an engagement ring.

I felt myself trembling as I ask him," Was our friendship even real?"

My girlfriend scoffs as she laughs saying," Me and Mark have been fucking for a year and a half now." I look back down at her with tears in my eyes," How could you? I was going to propose!"

There was a smile in her eyes that told me she had no care in the world for what I was saying, it was like she wanted to get caught so she could end our relationship. 

"August, I would never marry someone like you. You're such a pushover and you let everyone run over you. You don't have any confidence in yourself, and you never want to do anything. You just stay at work for hours and when you do come home, we barely even talk. Mark is the man I truly love, he's everything you're not." 

She takes a puff of her cigarette as she walks back over to him and wrap her arms around his neck while putting the cigarette in his mouth. I felt like the world around me was falling apart. Besides from my brother, Ashley has been the only person to actually care for me, but I guess that was all a lie.

I just got home from work, a twelve-hour shift and I come to find this. What a fucking day. 

I wipe my tears as I begin to walk over to the closet. 

"Leave! I couldn't give two shits! You're just going to go stay with your parents who don't give a shit about you as well. Go on ahead and listen to their stories about how your brother is so much better than you!" She yells as I pack my bags. 

Everything she was saying was true. I just never expected to hear it from the woman I loved for three years. I should've figured this would happen when she started staying out late. I got up as I carried my suitcase and looked around the closet, I think I packed everything I owned. I don't buy as much as Ashley does, so it was easy to pack. I come out the closet to see them making out in front of me. 

God this hurts. I clenched my fist as I made my way out the house. The house I thought I was going to make a family in. 

'I should've done something. Beat the shit out of him or argue back with her but I didn't. Why do I always hold back?' I thought as I drove to my parents' house. 

Its humiliating going to stay with someone who 'told you so' when you first introduced your girlfriend to them. They're never going to shut up about this. 

After driving for about twenty minutes, I finally arrived at their house. It was way larger than mine since my father owned almost every business around town. I leaned my head back on the seat as I turned off my headlights. My parents must've been alerted I was here as the front door suddenly opened. 

Disappointment was plastered on their faces, but I was used to it. Never a loving gaze just always hatred. I sighed as I grabbed my bags.

"Hey mom", I said weakly. She looked at me up and down then scoffed as she went back inside.

"Your brother took a three-hour flight just to have dinner with us yesterday and all he asked was for you to be there and you weren't. God, I don't even know why he got his hopes up. You work so much for a job that doesn't even pay half as much as his. You should've been thrilled when he asked you to come," My father says as he crosses his arms. 

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