Chapter 6 - Small introduction

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It was already the next day and Grian was in his Math class waiting for it to start finally.

Grian had picked out a seat at the third row, close to the entrance of the classroom.

He was going through his notebook, when he heard a familiar voice.

-"Hey Grian. Mind if I sit here?" Grian looked up and nodded.

-" Luckily we have English together as well, because I wouldn't be able to see you only in stupid Math." Pearl mocked and sat down next to him.

-" Oh, remind me too introduce you to someone later." She said leaning against her chair.

-"Oookeey?" He answered questioning that a bit.

Pearl kept on talking, even when the class had started. She was talking about the classes, the teachers she apparently wanted to choke and some other stuff.

-"So fun fact, I'm a moth." She proudly said.

Grian eyes widened a bit and he turned his head towards her.

-"Reeeaaaallyyy?" He doubtfully said.

-"Yeah! I just don't like my moth features so I hide them." She explained.

-" Wait, wait, wait. So you're telling me I can hide my wings?" Now that was something Grian was interested in.

-" Your wings are a big feature so you can't really hide it like that. Hybrids who have smaller features like mine are able to hide them, but if they are bigger like yours they are unable to be hidden."

-"Oh... what about him?" Grian asked tilting his head towards their teacher who was writing something on the whiteboard.

-" He's a human. Most of the teachers are." Pearl laughed a bit.

Grian didn't understand why that was funny and went back to drawing something in his notebook while Pearl kept chattering non-stop.

-"Pearl! Detention!" Her chattering was interrupted by an angry shout. Grian and Pearl both looked up towards the teacher

-"And Grian. I'm letting you off with a warning, because you're new here." The teacher said giving Grian a what looked like a disappointed look.

Grian nodded and shrugged from the embarrassed. Pearl on the other hand rolled her eyes and started to scribble something on her notebook with a pen.

The teacher turned around and continued explaining stuff to the rest of the class.

-"Bitch." Grian heard Pearl mumble. She looked pissed, like really pissed, like she was about to stab the teacher in his back with the pen she was holding.

After a bit of silence from her she spoke up again, quieter this time " I forgot to ask you, how was the night patrol?"

-"It was fine, I beat up some random Sky." Grian whispered not looking up from his notebook.

-"Ooh what was their name?"Pearl interested.

-"I think...Hotguy? Well it doesn't matter he was pretty easy to beat." He answered.

-"Yeah, he's a bit to full of himself. I have been caught in a few fights with him." Pearl bragged.

-"And who won?" Grian mockingly asked.

-"You assho-"

-"Pearl Escentmoon! Detention for the whole week!" She was cut off by the teachers angry yell.

-"Oh c'mon, you know I won't even turn up to those!" Pearl rolled her eyes.

-"Well in that case, I'll have to contact your parents." The teacher said.

-"Good luck with that, they died seven years ago!" Pearl laughed mockingly.

The teacher didn't say anything after that and Grian could see a bit of grief in his eyes.

-"Wait. If your parents are dead who do you live with?" Grian asked.

-"With Scott and his family. We're cousins." Pearl answered.

-"If you don't mind me asking. How did they die?"

-"They were Burneds and one day a Sky found them and killed them, thats why I became a Burned. To revenge my parents and kill the Sky who killed them." Pearl whispered so no one could hear her.


After the math class both of them were heading off to their next classes with Pearl still chattering non-stop.

-"Oh Pearl, who did you want to introduce me to?" Grain asked cutting Pearl off.

-"Ah right! Come on! I'll introduce you now." Pearl said grabbing Grian by the hand and dragging him away in the hallway.

-"This is Lizzie and Joel!" Pearl said dragging Grian next to a pink haired girl with blue eyes and a dark haired guy with bright green eyes.

-"oh hi, Pearl!" Lizzie smiled at pearl.

-"Hi, Lizz!" She greeted Lizzie and gestured towards Grian. "This is Grian. He's our newest Burned."

-"It's nice to meet you, Grian!" Lizzie said welcomly.

Joel, who previously had been looking for something in his locker, turned around and nodded his head in greetings to Grian.

Grian did the same then looked back at Pearl.

-"They are one of the most experienced villains." Pearl informed Grian.

-"They're known as the Ocean queen and the Madman-OW!" Pearl said before getting elbowed in the side by Joel.

-"I have told you so many times!" Joel scolded her.

-"Fine, fine! He's the Mad king." Pearl corrected.

-"Well it was great to meet you Grian, but me and Joel have to get to our next class." Lizzie waved and headed to their next class.

After saying their fare-wells Grian and Pearl started to head to their next class.

-"How old are they?" Grian interested while walking.

-"They're both eighteen." Pearl said. "Fun fact, they're already engaged.

-"That's nice!" Grian signed a bit.

-"What? You want to find yourself a partner?" Pearl laughed and nudged Grian into the lockers a bit.

-"Of course not!" Grian wasn't lying, but to Pearl it seemed like he was.

-"Yeah sure!" She rolled her eyes.

-"While we're on the topic, whose your crush?" Pearl asked fastly.

-"Currently, no one! What 'bout you?" Grian answered.

-"First of all I'm aroace! Second of all you're lying!" She said proudly.

-"Oh well, OKEY!" Grian challenged. "First of all that's cool! Second of all I'M NOT!"

-"Okey, okey! You're not lying!" Pearl backed off.

Grian sighed and they went to their next classes in silence.

(Word count: 1025)
Half of this is copied from the original and the other half is written while I'm in Paris. Ain't that interesting!

Burning Wings - Scarian Hero/Villian Highschool AU Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant