Chapter 21 - I'm too scared if you stay

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School was shit. Nothing more to add, it was shit so Scar would call it shit. Maybe he was just in a weird state of mind, but who even cared!

So yes, the little hero was approaching the exit of his shitty school to meet with his ex-lover (who he'd never stopped loving). It probably was too early to call Grian his 'ex-lover', but for fucking gods sake! Scar's in a weird state of mind so leave him fucking be!

Going back to the sad reality of Scars life, he pushed the large doors open and stepped out of the shithole his school was.

Scar walked a bit away from the building and looked around searching for Grian and part of him was not the happiest when he spotted the avian sitting on a bench, looking at his phone.

Maybe Scar didn't need to go and talk to him. Maybe he could let all of his problems solve themselves. Maybe he could forget about this! Maybe, just maybe Scar could crawl out of his aching skin and be free from this fucking nightmare he has to experience his whole damn life!

He shook his head. He cleared his mind. He unraveled his thoughts. Whatever you wanna call it, but, with an unbelievable amount of hesitation, Scar started to head towards Grian.

Finally getting to Grian, Scar sat down next to the boy. Grian put his phone aside and directed his gaze somewhere infront of him (somewhere that wasn't Scar).

It was ragefilling at the least. After so many-not-many things, Grian didn't even have the courage to look at Scar.

Was that the thing Scar deserved? What'd he do? Scar was the one who should be avoiding Grian. Grians the one who did all that messed up shit! Not Scar, Grian.

-"Can you atleast look at me!? Are you that ignorant and afraid that you don't even have the fucking courage to look at me!?" He yelled. It wasn't the right thing to do and, somewhere deep inside Scar, he knew it, but it felt right.

-"Me!? Ignorant!?" Grian actually turned his head to Scar and Scar felt like he could see the rage in Grians eyes aswell as hear it. "Scar, I'm not the one who's ignorant here! It's you, buddy! Don't you see how fast your so called friends turned on someone else with no proper evidence!? I get why Gem, but Fonnie? The only 'evidence' they might have had was because her and Gem were friends, Scar. By that logic, you should be sitting in a cell."

Grian stared at Scar and he hated the fact Grian was right. He was right about it all, whether spoken or unspoken, Scar knew Grian was right, but that angrier part of Scar still ignored it (guess he really is ignorant).

The avian continued, "And yes, Scar, I'm afraid. Are you not? I'm about to lose everything and I fucking mean everything! I'm afraid, stressed and really angry! You're gonna run your stupid mouth like you usually do and all our big secrets are going to be punlic, exposed and the weakest point in all of us! So, Scar, yes, yes, I'm afraid, but I'm not ignorant."

-"I-..." Scar couldn't even try to let any words come out.

Grian was like super right. Scar was being ignorant and that wasn't something he'd like to admit in this time and place. He could easily admit it when talking 'bout his grades, but this was something very different.

-"So I'm sorry that I don't have enough courage to look at you." Grians voice silenced and he looked down at his own hands, picking at his nails as a way of distracting himself.

They fell into silence. Scar was speechless, of course. Grian had said many things. So, after a minute or two, Scar finally decided to speak up, earning Grian to look back up at him..

-"You're right. I'm being ignorant and yes, I'm scared too." Scar tried his best at getting the words to come out correct. "I feel like we need to talk stuff out, you know, about what happened between us?"

The avian nodded with a small sniffle and chuckle, "Yeah. Yeah, we should talk about that."

Only then did Scar realize Grians tear-stained cheeks and poofy eyes, but, he had to admit, Scars eyes were also starting to tear up.

-"I meant what I said, Scar. I love you, like I really, really love you, but I don't think us being together is the best idea." Grians gaze became distant and his expression was all sad and dark.

A small precent of the rage came back into Scars mind and body, but he didn't let it show, "Why? I need you to talk to me. I need you to tell me why. Grian, I need you!"

Grian sniffled again and looked at his hands, "I just think it wouldn't be a really good thing for us. We are opposites, Scar. If we become we than there's gonna be emotions involved. It will do no well for anyone. I know this hurts you, but I don't want to hurt you anymore than I already have."

The avian took a pause in his string of words and lifted his head so both were looking into each others eyes.

-"We need to go our separate ways, Scar. I'm too scared if you stay..."


Grian grabbed his backpack and phone before standing up from the bench and rushing away.

-"What? Grian! Grian, don't leave me again! Grian!" Scar yelled after him, but was left with nothing.

He had left. He had left, again. He fucking left Scar, AGAIN!

Scar wanted to scream, yell, shout, whatever shit that he could put all his emotions into.

In a state of panic, anger, stress, sadness, the brunette got his phone out from his backpack and clicked on a close friends contact.

The phone buzzed a few times next to Scars ear before his said friend picked up.

-"Mumbo, I need to talk to you right now!"

(Word count: 1089)
Yey another chapter I put off for more than a month and then suddenly wrote in one sitting. Anyway, sorry for that. It's been quite stressful for me irl and sadly there are a few more chapters before the end so buckle in!

Important thing - The title of the chapter is a line from the song Nadir by TENDER! Please check it out and them aswell (literally my favorite band)

Burning Wings - Scarian Hero/Villian Highschool AU Where stories live. Discover now