Chapter 9 - Nice to meet you!

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Grian entered the Music classroom which also was his classes main room.

This was the first time he was in this room if you don't count the time when he had to talk to their class teacher and get all the books and other requirements.

Most of his classmates were already sitting in their seats talking while some were standing on tables, yelling, one guy was practically being pushed out the window and they were on the fifth floor.

Grian locked eyes with Pearl and she made a gesture for him to come over to her.

-"Wanna sit next to me?" Pearl asked when Grian got to her.

-"Wha- Pearl! I'm sitting next to you!" Martyn yelled from the seat next to Pearl.

-"No you're not." Pearl said and pushed Martyn out of his seat along with his books.

-"It's no big deal I can sit somewhere else-" Grian started, but was soon cut off by Pearls deathly tone.


Grian quickly sat down next to her and settled his stuff on the table.

-"Ugh! I hate this classroom! " Pearl complained as Martyn collected his books and went to sit down next to someone Grian didn't know.

-"I agree with Pearl, " Scott chimed in from the seat behind, "It's on the fifth floor and just look around! It's for music not whatever we're doing, which leads me to the next point. Why do we have these classes! All we do is sit and talk! Nothing else!" He ended with an annoyed sigh.

-"Well I don't really have anything to add, this will be my first class lesson." Grian said opening his notebook.

-"Oh yeah I already forgot!" Pearl chuckled.

-"JAMES ASHSON! DETENTION!" A female voice rang throughout the whole classroom and everyone went silent.

Grian looked towards the the window from where the yell came from.

He saw a young looking woman with wavy black hair and green eyes give a death stare to two of Grians classmates.

Grian recognized her. It was their class teacher, Miss. Chella, as well as their English teacher.

The boy, which Grian guessed was James, had snow-white hair and light blue eyes and the other student, a girl, also had snow-white hair that were put into a ponytail and darker blue eyes.

-"You too, Pauline. Even though it was James who was trying to jump out the window I'm pretty sure you either dared him to do that or supported the idea," Miss. Chella said with a sigh, "But for now, sit down and be quiet. "

James and Pauline both rolled their eyes and sat down.

Miss. Chella walked to her desk and put down the supplies she was carrying.

-"Everyone settle down!" She spoke loudly over the chattering and everyone did as told.

-"I will be changing your seats, to my liking, today." She informed and many loud 'boo's and 'why's filled the classroom.

-" I'm not changing my mind! Now everyone gather your things and I'll tell you where to sit." Miss. Chella sighed.

Grian, as told, gathered up his things and listened as the teacher assigned everyone their new seats.

-"Grian! You sit there." Miss. Chella called him and pointed to a seat in the middle of row three.

Grian moved over to the seat and settle down.

He didn't like sitting in the middle very much. It felt so exposing. Like everyone was watching him and judging his every move.

His wings shivered slightly.

For a moment Grian didn't know what he wanted to do, cover himself with his wings or pull them back as if they're not even there.

Few seconds later someone sat down next to him.

Great! Grian thought. He knew he would have to sit next to someone, but he wished it would be someone he knew because from what he already could tell, it was someone he didn't know.

-"Hello! Guess we're sitting next to each other for the rest of the school year." The person said to Grian. They had a soothing yet interesting voice, as if Martyns, Scars and Scotts voices were put together.

Grian turned to them a bit.

-"I'm Mylo, with an Y instead of an I!" The boy said with a cheeky smile.

He had blonde hair and bright copper eyes. He was wearing a grayish green shirt with a black oversized jacket on top. He also had a small silver chained necklace with a small arrow in the middle.

-"Grian." The avian said back.

-"Nice to meet you, Grian! Do you wanna be friends?" Mylo asked with an overly exited tone.

-"Suuure?" Grian hesitantly answered with more of a question.

-"Amazing! We're gonna have so much fun together!" Mylo cheered and a pair of golden wings sprouted from his back, making Grian jump.

Grian stared, with wide eyes, at the pair of feather covered wings then at Mylo, then at the wings again.

-"HA! I love doing that! I'm a shape-shifter, to explain." He laughed.

Oh. That was actually really cool and from the vibes Mylo had so far, Grian wasn't as suprised.

The avian then looked around the room. Martyn was sitting with the boy from earlier, James. Scar was sitting with a black haired girl who seemed to be eyeing him lovingly. Scott with a boy who har dark green hair, and Pearl was sitting next to Pauline.

(Pearls POV)

-"So. I'm guessing I'm stuck with your wannabe ass for the rest of the year." Pearl said to her new seatmate.

-"Don't act so high and mighty, Moon. You're no better than me, anyway." Pauline gave her a smug look.

-"Atleast my last name fits me, important and beautiful, but don't feel so bad, your last name fits you as well, Ash." She said back with satisfaction.

-"You're interesting, Moon. Friands?" Pauline stretched out her hand to Pearl.

-"You too, Ash." Pearl shook her hand.

-"You better not make me regret this choice." Pauline said.

-"Oh, I'll do just that. After all, I wanted to do bad things to you since I met you and not in the dirty way you like it, but in the violence-y way I like." Pearl spat back with a villainous grin.

(Word count: 1087)
It's been over a month since the last chapter and I'm not sorry, but I'm sorry about what I have given you today. I needed to introduce Mylo and Pauline for plot reasons, but its a promise I'm making that the next chapters will go straight into the more interesting bits.

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