Chapter 15 - Things are going worse than bad

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(Gem POV)

-"What's your favorite animal?" Gem asked her friend, Fonnie, the question excitedly.

Both of them were currently in the Sky headquarters, more specifically one of the waiting rooms. They were waiting for Jimmy and Tango to come back from their patrol so they could start theirs.

-"Arctic foxes, for sure." Fonnie answer with no doubt.

-"Avery is an arctic fox, do you like her?" Gem gave a smug look to Fonnie.

-"Eww no! She's the last person I would ever like!" Fonnie protested throwing her hands in the air slightly.

Gem laughed as Fonnie struggled to convince her that she hated Avery.

-"Gemini Tay." A stern voice came from the entrance to the room.

The two girls looked towards the speaker and immediately stood up.

Xisuma stood by the door staring threateningly at Gem. On both of his sides stood Impulse and Avery. They were in their hero forms and were holding their weapons pointing at Gem as if she was a threat.

-"What's going on?" Gem asked slowly reading the situation.

-"Don't act so stupid, Gemini. We know what you are and why you're here." Xisuma said coldly.

Fuck! Gem cursed, but still played clueless.

-"Gem, what is he talking about?" Fonnie stared at Gem with a confused look, but Gem saw the denial in her eyes.

-"Gemini Tay. You have officially lost your position as a Sky and we will ask you to leave this building. If you're not gone in atleast five minutes, we'll have to go the not-so-easy way." Xisumas voice was like a sting.

She didn't want to leave, but she did at the same time. The Skys were worse than she had ever imagined, but the people working there were mostly sweet and understanding. They were just poisoned by the government and all that shit so they wouldn't see the harsh truth that laced around the roots of that organization.

Gems head started clouding with anger, but pushed it down knowing that they were letting her leave peacefully. If she was to start a fight she would immediately lose.

With her head low she started walking towards the entrance Xisuma and the rest moving aside to give her space.

-"Gem...?" Fonnies desperate question echoed in her brain.

-"No..." Realization seemed to hit her friend as a rock.

Gem didn't know if Fonnie said anything as she was already out of earshot and was shamefully walking to the exit.

Why did they let me leave that easily? The question rose in Gem.

Are they planning something?

(Pearl POV)

Finally! Pearl thought as she exited the school.

It was Friday and school had finally ended.

She had been stuck in detention for what felt like ever, because it was already 4pm.

She looked at her phone to see if she missed anything while at detention.

Noticing the texts Gem had sent her Pearl immediately started to call Gem.

-"Gem, what the fuck happened!?" Pearl yelled quietly with her phone to her ear.

-"I don't know, they just came out of nowhere and told me I was no longer a hero!" Gem tried to explain.

-"Did you do something that would make them think you're a spy?" Pearl whisper-yelled as to not cause any attention.

-"No! Atleast I don't think so." Gem said thoughtfully.

-"Come to my house, okey? Tell Scott what happened and we can decide what they could potentially be planning." She suggested while rushing home.

-"Mhm. See you!" Gem said and hung up.

Pearl was stressing. This was bound to happen, but everyone expected the Skys to take her hostage or something like that. The fact that they just let her go means that they're planning something much worse.

Taking a deep breath Pearl fixed her posture so it would look more natural amongst everyone else on the street while still rushing home.

After a while she took a turn into a skechy alleyway she always took when going home, but stopped when someone she didn't expect was infront of her.

The hero Silent stood staring at her. The name given to the hero, because of being a phantom hybrid.

-"Pearl Escentmoon, right?" Silent asked stepping a bit closer.

-"Yes. The fuck you want!?" Pearl spat back.

Her eyes became that of a moths, fully black.

Pearls hand scraped over her leg where she had a hidden safety dagger. It was meant for drunk people and creeps, but it could also work in this situation.

-"Please calm down." He said taking one step closer.

-"Don't come closer, you shit!" She backed off and, pulling out the dagger, pointed it at the hero aggressively.

-"I need you to come with me." Silent said, taking another step towards Pearl with his hands put up in the air by his head to show he was no threat, but Pearl knew he was.

-"Stay back! I won't hesitate to push this dagger down your throat and let it slowly cut your insides as you struggle to get it out!" Pearl threatened.

She would one hundred percent do that! She would! Pearl was more mad than scared. Who the fuck did he think he was to come out of nowhere and command her to follow him!? No normal person would just follow someone when said to. Even if they were a hero.

Pearls words seemed to actually make the hero consider his next moves.

-"Pearl-" The hero started, but was cut off by Pearl.

-"Stay. The fuck! Back! Do you think I won't do it!? I'm not weak! I have the courage to do that!" She screamed with a psychopathic laugh.

Silent looked away with guilt in his eyes and, before Pearl could register why, a strong blow hit her head knocking her out fully.

(Gem POV)

-"SCOTT, SHE HASN'T COME HOME FOR AN HOUR!" Gem screamed at Scott in fear.

-"Gem, relax. I'm stressing too, but like this we won't be able to do anything, so take a deep breath and let's talk this out." Scott tried to calm her.

Gem did as told and took a deep breath.

-"First I lose my position and now Pearl is missing? It's the Skys, Scott. They kidnapped Pearl!" Gem protested against literally no one.

-"She could just be a bit late, but you said she was sounding pretty rushed on the phone. She can't possibly be lost. Earlier this day she wanted to brag about how pretty her ID looked compared to ours, but then when she couldn't find it she said she must have left it at home. There's a very large possibility she lost it and someone found it." Scott went over the information while pacing around the room.

-"The person reported her and how she's held hostage!" Gem came to the conclusion.

-"I'm gonna text Martyn and Grian to meet us at the headquarters. We need to talk out our next steps." Scott said already holding his phone.

Gem nodded and went to put on her shoes.

(Word count: 1231)
The fuck? This chapter was finished before the c13 was even out! Anyway, I'm sorry. This chapter feels weird. Also Silent is Impulse and yes I made him a phantom hybrid and the reason you don't get an appearance description is bc I'm to lazy. You can use your imagination >:)

I have an important question.

What do you think is gonna happen now?

Burning Wings - Scarian Hero/Villian Highschool AU Where stories live. Discover now