Chapter 14 - Oh no

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(Grian POV)

School was boring, which is not very suprising, if Grian was being honest.

All his injuries have been healed up, though he still had a sore feeling to his shoulder, but, other than that, he was feeling better than ever.

He was currently waiting for Scar somewhere near the entrance to the school.

Scar hadn't been to school for a few days and when Grian asked about it he said it was because he was sick. At first Grian didn't believe it, because how the hell would someone catch a sickness near the start of summer, though he later realized it was possible. Not very common, but possible.

Grian waited impatiently by the entrance. He wasn't a very patient person, but wasn't very inpatient either, it really mattered of the situation he was in at that moment. We're getting real distracted already, back to the point.

Grian stared at the door, still as a dead body.

The door opened and relief flooded over him as the stupid brunette he grew to love so much entered the school.

He walked fastly towards Scar. He didn't run. Why would he? He wasn't a creepy person.

-"You finally decided to show up?" Grian greeted Scar with a 'Why am I friends with you?' face.

This is gonna be so awkward. Grian guessed.

-"Are you not even a little worried? I could have died!" Scar joked overdramaticly.

Grian tried to shake off the haunting thoughts and images of the things that had happened the previous week, but they still seemed to stick to him as a hair stuck to your arm while taking a shower.

-"Don't say that!" Grian nudged Scar with his elbow as they started heading to the English classroom.

-"Come on, Grian. If we're honest you would forget me as fast as Bdubs can chug a whole cup of coffee if I were to actually die." Scar joked not even minding to look at Grian.

Don't make me think about that! Grian screamed out in the void that was his own mind and body. He didn't know what would happen if Scar died. He was to afraid to think about it, though he knew he wanted to be with Scar when Grians time came to a stop.

They walked in silence. Silence between them Grian meant, the hallway they passed by was louder than TnT exploding.

-"Anyway, would you like to come to my house this week?" Scar asked with sudden cheerfulness.

-"Uhm... I don't know." Grian dragged out his words unsure of how to properly reject the invitation.

-"Oh, come on, please. You have said 'no' like five times already! Please, just this once." Scar begged like a little child.

Rolling his eyes Grian gave an annoyed answer "Sure."

-"Yey! Friday 6pm?" Grian guessed Scar had started to  mentally jump up and down.

-"Yeah, why not. Send me the address today." The avian agreed.

Scar opened his mouth to answer, but was interrupted by something.

-"Grian!" A familiar voice cut Scar off and the owner of the voice was running their direction.

-"Grian, friend, we need to talk." Pearl ran up to them and grabbed Grians hand.

She turned to Scar with an expression Grian recognized as one of her 'Mess with us and I'll cut your spine out, and sell it to your moms sisters sons girlfriend.' stares. At this point Grian knew her so well that he one hundred percent knew she could and would do that.

-"Sorry, Mister perfect fuck boy, I need to borrow my friend before you take him to a cabin in the woods, carve out his heart and decorate your room with it." Pearls voice had a threatening undertone.

Scar started to say something, but once again was cut off my Pearl.

-"Anyway! Grian, come on now, this is more important than wasting your life on that fuck boy." She dragged Grian off by his hand leaving Scar standing there.

-"So a lot has happened this morning. Scott and Martyn started dating, though, if I'm honest, that was bound to happen sooner or later. Paulines brother, James. You remember him, right? How could you not. Anyway, he started a fight with Gem and ended up with a broken arm. Such 'example' behavior from Gem, am I right? Martyn got his full form today! I'm so proud of him. Mylo accidentally killed someone. Hm, what else?" Pearl said so quickly Grian doubted that she even needed air.

She stopped and turned to Grian.

His head was spinning. Grian was not able to process so many things at the same time and be dragged at, what seemed like, the speed of light.

-"Oh and also our Art teacher quit." Pearl smiled widely and innocently.

-"What. The actual. FUCK!?" Grian screamed out taking breaths between his words.

He was confused as hell.

(Avery POV)

Avery walked through the school.

She hated her parents for making her still go to this school. It surely wasn't that hard to move her to a different school.

As she walked through the hallway she noticed something on the ground. A small thing, but still very noticeable.

Avery picked it up and started to inspect the object.

It was a card. More like an ID. Like a hero ID just different.

Pearl Escentmoon, huh? Avery gave a smug chuckle reading out the name on the card. Even though Avery was older than Pearl she still knew her, after all Pearl did hold quite the status amongst the students.

Her eyes moved a bit down and immediately widened.

Oh, Pearl, you filthy bitch. You're in so much trouble. She laughed a bit louder reading the info on the ID.

Xisuma is gonna love this!

(Word count: 1002)
I'm not proud. I feel like my writing isn't as good here as it is for the rest of the chapters, yk? Also sorry for the shorter chapter, I had no idea how to make it longer and better. I'm at dance camp rn :'D

Burning Wings - Scarian Hero/Villian Highschool AU Where stories live. Discover now