Chapter 1 - First day

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Grians eyes shot wide open. Did my alarm go off today? He thought panicking. He quickly sat up in his bed and looked at the electronic clock on his bedside table.


Shit! He jumped out of bed and rushed to his closed.

He was gonna be late, wasn't he? School started at 7:45 and it took about thirty minutes to get to his new school plus extra minutes for getting ready.

There's no way I'm gonna be late to my first day! Grian thought picking a big red sweater and gray jeans from his closet.

After getting ready and all Grian got his backpack and rushed downstairs from his room.

-"Good morning, Dove!" Grian was greeted by his sister by the kitchen counter making a sandwich.

His sister had short fully white hair and dark blue eyes with lighter blue pupils.

-"Hi!" Grian panted and ran to the kitchen counter.

-"Here." His sister handed him a small paper bag with, what Grian guessed was, his lunch.

-" Thank you! Bye!" Grian said bye and rushed out of the house.

He ran as fast as he could, boosting himself forward with his wings at some moments.


Grian was out of breath by the time he was in the school hallway. He was amazed by how big the school was.

By now it was about 8AM.

He was looking around trying to find his class. It was at room 5-215? Which, from what he was told, was at the fifth part of the school, second floor and the fifteenth room. Not so hard, right? Well no, because what Grian understood was that right now he was at the third part of the school and he had no idea how to get to the fifth.

Luckily Grian saw a person. They were walking around carelessly. He guessed they were skipping class, but decided to go ask them for help.

-"Exuse me. Could you please help me find room," Grian paused looking down at his phone, "... 5-215?"

The person jumped a bit, but turned around to face Grian. It was a guy who looked around Grians age, though he was about a head-length taller then Grian.

He had pretty long chocolate brown hair with barely visible locks, emerald green eyes and three scars on his face, one above his right eye, one on his nose and one at the corner of his lip.

-"Oh, uhm. Yeah sure! I'm heading there right now." He smiled.

-"Thank you..." Grian thanked quietly.

His eyes darted towards Grians wings. Grian held his breath and folded his wings in as much as he could.

Obviously noticing that, the brunette immediately looked away and apologized, "Oh sorry! Its just that you're the first avian in this school in about 70 years, if I'm correct. "

-"It's fine..." Grian stuttered feeling uncomfortable.

-"So you're new here, if i understood that right? " The brunette asked as they started walking, what Grian guessed was, towards the class room.

-"Yes." Grian shortly said.

-" I'm Scar, by the way?" The brunette introduced himself, "What about you?"

-"Why should I tell you? " Grian said sharply, obviously suprising Scar.

-"Well I think that's how introductions work." He said with confidence in his voice.

Burning Wings - Scarian Hero/Villian Highschool AU Where stories live. Discover now