"alright, micheal. i think we found your hub." cameron announced. they pointed their flashlights everywhere.

"let's drench it." mike said.

they nodded and grabbed their tanks and poured everything everywhere around the hub.

"okay, you guys ready?" they were standing away from the hub.


they nodded and saying "ready."

"light her up." dustin spoke.

"just light the damn thing!" henry got inpatient.

steve panted. "i am in such deep shit." he threw his lighter in the hub.

everyone braced themselves because the flames were vast, the slimy arms on the ground went everywhere.

max grabbed cameron's hand in fright. jack went to cover sophie and henry.

"that's a sight you don't see every day." they ran, max still held on to cameron's hand.


mike fell slightly behind and got caught by a slimy arm from the ground. "help! help!"

they all came to his aid. "hold on!"

"steve, pull him out!" dustin panicked.

cameron shot it, she watched as it went away. "you good?"

"you okay?"

"guys, we gotta go." they heard a demodog growling in the distance.

it was dart. cameron titled her head, pulling max slightly behind her. she held up the pistol to dart. "dustin? should i shoot or. . .?"

he shook his head. "dart." he took his choices and ended with walking up to the creature.

everyone tried to stopped him except cameron. "stop! i think he can do it."

dart walked to dustin as well. "hey. it's me, it's me. it's just your friend, it's dustin. it's dustin, alright?" he kneeled down in front of dart.

"you remember me? will you let us pass?" dart snarled in return.

"okay, okay. i'm sorry. i'm sorry about the storm celler. that was a pretty douchey thing to do. you hungry? yeah?" he pulled out a three musketeers bar from his back pocket.

"he's insane." lucas said. sophie agreed. "yes, for sure."

"shut up."

"i've got our favorite. see? nougat." dart grunted as dustin opened up the bar and placed a few pieces down. "look at that. yummy. here, alright? eat up, buddy. come on. come on."

they went behind dart and waited for dustin there. "there's plenty. i've got more." dustin got up. "goodbye, buddy."

they went on back to the pit. "come on, let's go. let's go!" the tunnel started to wobble, making the ground unstable.

max fell into cameron and sophie. "shit. sorry, you guys okay?"

they nodded. "what was that?" they heard roaring and screeching behind them.

"they're coming. run! run!" mike yelled.

they all did. "there, there!" lucas saw the rope.

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