You Take a Bath Together

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You smile happily and relax deeper into the water of the bath house. You were exhausted, and the hot water here was exactly what you needed. You just feel the exhaustion melting away and your energy being rejuvenated. Everything was perfect and quiet. Which was odd.

You opened your eyes, only to not see your blonde husband. "Sammy?" You asked, but your voice only echoed throughout the seeming empty room. You sat up straighter, "Sam!?" Yelling more in case he may have gone back to the locker room. Suddenly there was a small rush of water and you jumped back in surprise. Sam had popped out of the water with a wide grin. "Sweet cheeks! A whole minute! I held my breath for a minute!" His hair was dripping down uncharacteristically, nearly reaching his shoulders.

You stared at him for a moment, "Sam, you scared!" Sam just laughed, "Ah sorry honey! But isn't that impressive?"

You usually loved coming to the bath house in the mountains to relax. At least, on your own, it was relaxing. But whenever you brought Alex, his mind was only on one thing.

That's why you had rushed to change and try to get into the bath before your husband, to try and get a little relaxing alone time, before Alex got that heated look in his eyes. You were supposed to meet Alex here. When you entered the bath, it looked empty, and you breathed a sigh of relief. Looks like you had beat him here.

"Well, look what I've got here." You heard Alex say. You looked back toward the locker room entrance and watched Alex slowly make his way to the water, eyes never leaving your body. "I was hoping to beat you here..but oh well." He sunk into the water, moving very close to you. You blushed madly, "I.." You couldn't finish whatever thought you had as Alex started to slowly kiss your neck. Oh well, you could relax later, for now you wanted to indulge Alex.

You didn't come to the bath house often with Harvey. He was usually busy doing other things, so you normally came on your own. But today, you managed to talk Harvey into it.

You were leaning against one of tub walls, chest deep in the water with Harvey beside you. "Doesn't it feel great, Doc?" You asked, both eyes closed. You heard of a hum of content and cracked an eye open to look over at your husband. Both of his eyes were closed and leaned back. He looked so different without his glasses, but you weren't complaining. You liked it.

You smiled and leaned back again, "Good..." You leaned closer so both your shoulders were touching. You both spent a long while still there, relaxing and enjoying each other's company.

Sebastian lived near the mountains. He would spend time by the train tracks. So you were pretty surprised when he said he had never used the bath house. This you decided you two would go together.

"See, Bastian? It's great here!" You leaned against his shoulder in the water, smiling and enjoying the warm water. But Sebastian wouldn't look at you and just respond with the occasional 'Hm' when you tried to talk. Maybe he just wanted to be alone? You leaned away to give him space, and you watched him let out a breath. "Oh, sorry if I was crowding you Seb.." You told him a little downtrodden.

"It's..not that.." You finally heard him say. You stared at him, or the back of his head at least. "Is everything ok?" You asked, moving a little closer. Sebastian finally turned to look at you, and his cheeks were tinted red. "Are you alright, Seb? Are you too warm? Maybe we should get out.." You started rambling and starting to stand, but we're stopped when Sebastian grabbed your arm. His eyes wouldn't meet yours. "You're just.. really.." He couldn't finish, but you smiled. It wasn't that he was overheating or upset. He was just embarrassed. You kissed Sebastian's cheek and leaned on him more than ever, making his blush worse, but he wasn't complaining.

You sat in the edge of the bath in the spa waiting for Elliot. "Ellie..." you said quietly. Elliot was trying to tie up his mass amount of hair into a bun on top of his head. "One moment darling, I think I've almost got it.." You watched him struggle to keep all his hair in one hand while holding a hair tye in the other.

Eventually, you sighed, "Come here, Ellie." You motioned for him to sit in front of you. "My muse, I think I-" "Elliot." You warned. Without another word and keeping his hair up, Elliot sat in the water in front of you. You took Elliot's hair together and quickly assembled it into a high pony tail, just barely keeping his hair out of the water.

"There! Just don't move too much. Otherwise, it'll still get wet." You finally submerged yourself into the water alongside your husband. "Ah, thank you darling." He put an arm around your shoulders and brought you close. You blushed, but we're very pleased, as you and Elliot could now enjoy eachothers presence peacefully.

You and Shane always have peaceful moments at the bath house. The steam from the bath and each other's presence has a calming effect on both of you. The few people who have seen you both there in the past had never seen peaceful looks on both your faces like that before.

You two normally sit near the edges with you in front of Shane and lean back into him. He'll trace lazy circles and lines up and down your arms that just give you goosebumps. You let out small hums of contentment with your eyes closed. Shane will peer around you to look at your face and smile. "I love you ___." Shane mumbled before placing a small kiss on your shoulder.

You smiled and adjusted and turned your head to look at him, "I love you too Shane.." You tell him before leaning in to give him a soft kiss.

The chaos returns as soon as you both leave the bath house though.

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