Cravings [PR]

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Sam looked at you like you were crazy. "I'm sorry honey, I think I misheard you. What did you want on your pizza?" You stared at him from your spot on the couch, hands on your protruded belly. "I said I wanted a large pizza with pepperoni, bell peppers, sardines, pickles, peanut butter, and sour cream?" You stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Sam almost dropped the phone in his hand.

"Are..are you sure that's what you want?" He was hoping you were joking, just making a plan awful joke. But you nodded and smiled happily, "Yep! It's exactly what I want right now!" You turned back to the movie you were watching. Sam's eyes made their way from your face, then to your belly before he sighed and dialed the number for the saloon.

"Hello?" "Hey Emily, I uh, need to order a pizza for pickup?" "Sure, Sam! Whatcha want?" "Uh, a large pepperoni for me and...ok ___'s order is weird, ok? I think because of the baby.." Emily laughed from the other line, "No problem, and I'll explain to Gus." Sam thanked her and told Emily your order. Once he was done. Emily was practically wheezing from laughter.

About 40 minutes later, Sam returned with food and could only watch in horror as you ate the entire pizza.

You let out a large yawn as you walked into the kitchen. You could smell eggs, bacon, and pancakes and saw the breakfast laid out before you. Your wonderful husband smiled as you sat down. "Morning babe! I made you breakfast!" He came over to kiss your cheek and gently rub your belly. "Morning kid!" You laughed at your husband's antics before taking a bite if breakfast. It was good but... "Hm.." "What's wrong, babe?" "This needs something.."

You thought about it for a moment before going to the fridge and looking through its contents. You pulled out exactly what you were looking for: hot sauce.

You happily sat at the table again and poured hot sauce onto all of your breakfast and took a bite. Alex sat down across, not thinking much of it, until he heard you mutter, "Needs more.." When he looked up at you again, you were pouring over half the bottle onto your breakfast. His eyes widened when you stuffed the hot sauce with a small side of your breakfast in your mouth and hummed in content.

"Breakfast is great, Alex! Thank you!" You smiled wide and dug into the rest of your breakfast. Alex decided to push it aside for now. Baby likes spicy stuff, apparently.

"Here you go, darling." Harvey placed down a cup of your decaf coffee, which you stared at grumpy. Harvey caught the look and sighed, "Mocha, you've had all the caffeine you can safely have for today..decaf only. You know the rules.." "Fine.." you mumbled before getting up to head to the fridge to grab some creamer when something particular caught your eye. You quickly grabbed it from the fridge and sat down again.

Harvey took a sip of his coffee as he watched you pour the creamer into your coffee, not noticing the other item you had on the table. He heard the familiar popping sound and finally acknowledged the item. He choked on his coffee when you unscrewed the lid of one of your jars of pickles, carefully pouring the juice in with the coffee.

Harvey's face felt green when he watched you drink it, with a very relaxed look on your face. "This is perfect...want to try some doc?" You offered your mug to him, but Harvey was shaking his head furiously. You stared at him, not understanding why he was so against trying this new concoction of yours. All you could do was shrug before finishing off your coffee. Not noticing your husband's stare of horror.

There were some things you just didn't really understand about your husband. For the most part, you pushed those things away, as you were sure there were things that you liked that Sebastian didn't. One of those things Sebastian was so found of was void eggs. You had a black chicken that produced them, and Seb kept every one, you just never saw what he did with them.

But now here you are, looking at a carton full of them in your fridge, and you could feel your mouth watering. Without thinking much of it, you grabbed one and fired up the stove. When you cracked it, the egg came out black with a red yolk off center, and it smelled heavenly. You quickly toasted an English muffin as well to complete your egg sandwich.

You had just sat down to eat when Seb came in. "Hey Rain, what are you-?" He noticed the broken egg shell on the counter and looked at the black peeking from your sandwich. "Uh?" You both stared at each other. In the end, you shrugged and pointed to your belly, "Baby wants it, and yes, it's cooked all the way, so we're ok." Sebastian nodded and watched you take a bite. "Is it good? Never had it as a sandwich." You nodded happily.

Sebastian also made a sandwich for himself with another void egg, and you two had a nice brunch together.

Elliot hated not being able to make crab cakes for you. Harvey said no seafood unless it was all cooked thoroughly, but crab cakes should be fine! It's cooked crab, right? But you were taking no chances. Luckily, Elliot had a backup recipe.

"Tom Kha ok for dinner, my muse?" You looked up from your book thoughtfully, "Um, yea, could.. you add something to it, though?" Elliot was already pulling out everything he needed, "Of course darling!" "No shrimp!" Elliot sighed, "I know, darling. " "And..can you put chocolate and cherries in mine?" There was a loud crash from the kitchen. You got up quickly and saw that Elliot had dropped numerous pans. His face was red as he bent to pick them up. "Ch-chocolate and cherries? In Tom Kha!?" He asked incredulously. You blushed and nodded before looking down. "I'm sorry...pregnancy don't have to.."

Elliot saw your face and felt guilty immediately. "No, my muse! If that is what you and the baby want, that's what you'll get!"

And with much pain in Elliot's eyes, he added your choices to a separate batch of soup for you.

You stared at the plate of pepper poppers in front of you. Usually, you loved them and would eat them at a moment's notice, but now it wasn't that appetizing. It was as if they were missing something.

"You gonna eat these or not?" Shane asked, walking in after showering. It was a routine now when he finished working in the chicken coop. "They need something.." you mumbled. Shane raised an eyebrow and plucked one from your bowl, stuffing it into his mouth and ignoring your death glare. Doesn't he know by now to never touch a pregnant woman's food? "Taste fine to me, but if you don't want them, I will." "Touch them again and die." You spat back, making Shane roll his eyes. "Alright, alright, I'll just get my own.."

Shane opened the fridge, and a familiar scent hit you, making you salivate. "Hey Shane?" You asked, voice sickly sweet. The voice you used when you wanted something without too much questioning. "What do ya want?" "Grab the maple syrup, please!" Shane grabbed it and handed it to you before his mind could fully load that question. "Wait. Why?" His question was answered quickly as you poured a generous amount of maple syrup onto your pepper poppers.

Shane watched the smile spread across your face as you ate, then looked down at your bowl again. "Ok, chickie, I have to know. Can I?" You thought about it before nodding, "Since you asked this time." He popped another one into his mouth. It was...weird, but not unpleasant. "Good, right?" Shane smiled and kissed your cheek and rubbed your belly a little, "You may be onto something Chickie."

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