When You're Upset

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You don't get upset very easily, but Shane, as much as you loved him, really had a way of pushing your buttons. Recently you've been feeling like you've been neglecting your friendship with Shane so you wanted to apologize. Shane had been apparently feeling the same way and lashed out at you for it and told you how awful you were to him before storming off. You just stood there, not knowing what to do or say next and staring off into space. "___?" You heard Sam calling behind you, but you didn't move. The next thing you knew, he was standing in front of you, staring at you, "Are you...crying?" You brought your fingers to your cheek, you hadn't even noticed the tears. Sam's face hardened, "What happened?" You didn't answer, instead the sobs suddenly burst from you and you were clinging onto Sam for dear life. Sam's anger was replaced with worry as he sat down on the riverbank and pulled you into his lap, letting you cry it all out.

Once you had calmed down enough, you told Sam everything that happened between you and Shane. As much as Sam wanted to wring out Shane's neck right then, he knew that wouldn't make the situation better. Instead, Sam told you he'd be right back and ran back to his house. When he emerged again, he had his guitar. You leaned against him as he started to play your song on his guitar. You closed your eyes and relished in Sam's playing, it had a way of calming you down and making all your problems disappear.

Sam quickly found out that his music had the power to soothe you, and was quick to whip it out when he knew you were upset.

You sat on your phone and stared at the comments on the screen. You had recently posted pictures of your art online in an attempt to sell them, but a lot of critics had nothing but bad things to say about your drawings and paintings. To say you were feeling down was an understatement. Usually you would go work on a new piece of art when you were upset, but with these comments, you just didn't have it in you. You were falling deeper into your thoughts, so much so that you didn't even hear the knock on the door, but Louie did. He trotted over to the door as Alex walked in. Alex bent down to pet the cat before noticing you just sitting still on the couch. He came over and sat next to you, putting his arm around your shoulders, noticing how you still hadn't noticed and were just staring at your phone. He looked over and frowned before swiping the phone from your hand. "Huh? Alex?" You finally noticed him and watched as he scrolled through the comments, "These people are idiots if they think you're not talented" you looked down, "They may be right..." Alex pulled you close and was practically squeezing you and put the phone back in your face, "No way! Sure there are some idiots out there who don't know good art when they see it, but look at these! The positive reviews! And there are more of them then there are negatives! So I say you and your art are amazing!" Alex put down the phone again and placed both hands on your cheeks, "Remember that Lions do not lose sleep over the opinion of sheep." He looked so serious, and knowing you had Alex in your corner, made you finally smile. "Now, let's forget about those idiots, what do you want to do?" You thought about it, the chores were done and your fortune was set to be bad so you weren't planning on going in the mines, "It's game day?" You finally decided. Alex smiled wide and picked up your phone again, "You get it ready, I'll call Gus to order some food ok?" You smiled wide at him, "Ok"

You were currently sitting in Harvey's clinic as he bandaged up your hand, you were fuming. Harvey just looked worried, "What happened Mocha?" You huffed, "My old boss at Joja called, tried to get me to come back." Harvey said nothing. Just finished putting the last of the bandage on your hand and looked at you, urging you to continue. "He was offering me money and I kept saying no, but he wouldn't let it go. I was getting angrier and angrier everytime he tried to get me back. I was able to keep my cool over the phone, but...as soon as he said I was making the biggest mistake of my life..moving to a hick town in the middle of nowhere filled with nobodies..and how I wouldn't amount to anything...I snapped. I yelled at him over the phone, and by the time I slammed the phone down, I turned and...punched the wall. There's a hole in my wall now I gotta call Robin about later.." you stared down at the hand Harvey just finished bandaging up, you could still see small blood stains that seeped through, but not badly. "I'm sorry you had go through that ___, he shouldn't have pushed you, and I'm proud that you were able to keep everything under control for so long. Some people would've snapped immediately. " Your anger bubbled again, "But he made fun of everyone in town! Which means you too, and I was not about to let him-!" Harvey gently grabbed both your hands, "I'm not saying you were wrong, I probably would've snapped too if someone insulted you. I'm just glad the splintered wood didn't make your hand too bad, we just gotta replace the bandage every so often and put some antibacterial gel on, you'll be good to go in no time. You'll also be able to do your farmwork as usual" he smiled, and you couldn't stop the smile from creeping onto your face as well. "Ok..thank you doc, and thank you for letting me vent" Harvey placed a quick kiss on your lips, "Anytime my love."

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