When He Gets Jealous+

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He's never really liked it when you hung out with Shane instead of him. He understood that Shane was your best friend and you wanted to make sure he was ok and all, but lately, he's been taking up a lot of your time.

When he came into the saloon on Friday night and saw you were already there with Shane, he wasn't happy. Sam put on a forced smile and walked up to you, putting his arm around you, "Hey ___! Come play pool! You don't know how, right? I'll teach you!" Before you could protest, Sam was pulling you over to the table where Sebastian already had the balls racked up, and Abby was watching everything unfold with an amused expression. Sam placed the pool stick in your hands and placed himself behind you, pressing close against your back, making your face flush pink. "S-sam-" "Ok, so hold it like this..." Sam began explaining the proper way to line up the cue and showing you the angle your arm should be at. Sam knew he was closer to you than he needed to be, but he wanted to show Shane you were his, and the look Shane had on his face when Sam glanced his way made it all worth it. Plus, that added benefit of having you extremely close to him.

Alex walked into Pierre's to pick up some ingredients for his grandma. He tried to go directly to you, but you didn't seem to be home. As he was perusing the shelves for the items, he heard music being turned on in the main home. Alex tried to ignore it at first until he heard Emily's voice really loudly, "Come on ___! I'll help you stretch, then we can dance!" Alex quickly made his way to the house portion of the building and turned the corner. You had workout clothes on, and Emily was much closer than she needed to be trying to help you stretch. The blood rushed to Alex's ears. Before he knew it, his feet were taking him in your direction.

Your eyes widened when you saw Alex approaching, "Alex-" "___ I need your help right now." Alex interrupted, taking your hand and practically glaring at Emily, who seemed unfazed. "Uh sure, Alex," you looked at him bewildered. You waved goodbye to the other women in the room as you followed Alex out, who still had a tight grip on your hand.

Once you were both outside of Pierre's you let out a big sigh, "They were relentless...Caroline wanted me to-" you were cut off by Alex holding you close to him, burying his face in your shoulder. "Alex? Are you alright?" He didn't say anything for a moment. "If you need help with stretches or anything like that.. I should be the only one to show you..." Your face blushed hard at his statement. After regaining your composure, you softly stroked his hair and smiled, "I didn't really wanna be there anyway. Your jealousy saved me."

Harvey felt strange whenever he saw you talking to Leah, even though he was right there. You were both by Leah's cottage standing by the river, but Leah had all her attention on you while he stood there awkwardly. You were even holding his hand, but he was still feeling left out. He didn't like the way Leah was looking at you, and he noticed how she was cutting him out of the conversation completely.

"___ you should come by some time when you've got some alone time. I'd love to make a sculpture of you!" "Wow really Leah? That would be cool!" Ok, that was the last straw for Harvey. He tugged on your hand, and when you turned to question him, he kissed you gently. Your face flushed pink, and Leah's eye twitched. "___ we should head back, didn't Willy need something from you?" Harvey asked, glancing up at Leah, a rare hint of anger in his eyes. You didn't notice, though, "Oh, that's right, sorry Leah, see ya!" "Right...bye..." You waved goodbye, and Harvey just gave Leah a triumphant look.

Sebastian felt...conflicted. On one hand, he loved that you were getting along so well with his best friend, but on the other hand, you were giving Sam more attention than he liked right now. You and Sam were both over at Sebastians' place to play Solarion Chronicles, you were playing the healer, Sam the warrior, and Sebastian the wizard. You and Sam were able to work together to defeat a horde of skeletons and were celebrating, giving each other high fives, and Seb noticed how Sam's eyes lingered on you for longer than needed.

Soon, Sebastian had enough. "Hey ___?" "Yea?" "Come here." he patted the spot next to him, and Sam eyed him suspiciously. You shrugged and moved to sit next to him, but the next thing you knew, Sebs arms were around your waist, and he pulled you into his lap. You blushed bright red, and Sam looked away. "Um...Seb?" "Let's continue the scenario." Seb continued on like normal while you had a harder time concentrating, and Sam was much more silent for the rest of the session. 'Sorry Sam, can't let you have ___' Seb thought as his wizard cast a spell.

Elliot paced back and forth in his cottage, thinking what to do. He was reading at home when he noticed you standing outside on the beach with Alex. Alex was smiling at you and flexing in front of you, clearly trying to show off. You were smiling at him, but Elliot wasn't sure if it was just out of politeness, as he would expect from you, or from genuine interest in the gridball player. Not wanting to take any chances, Elliot tried to calm his nerves while also trying to figure out the best way to get Alex away from you. A book on his desk caught his eye, and he smiled, 'That should do it.'..

"Um sorry Alex I gotta go..." You tried backing away, but Alex stayed near, "Aw come on ___, I can show you -" "___!" Alex was cut off by Elliots voice as he slowly walked toward you, book in hand. You recognized it immediately, especially when he started reading one of the love poems he wrote for you, out loud, glaring at Alex every once in a while.

Alex didn't even try to flirt with you after that.

Shane gets even grumpier than usual, especially when you talk to Sebastian so much. You talk to Sebastian because you two have similar interests, but that's as far as your feelings for the guy went, but Shane didn't see it that way. After talking to Sebastian, doesn't matter how long, Shane will always be short with you.

You sighed after coming back from your talk with Seb. "Shane, what's wrong now?" "I'm fine," Shane downed a joja cola. You sat next to him at the saloon, "You're not fine." "What do you care? You can go back to that kid." He grumbled, laying his head in his arms that were on the counter. You rolled your eyes, "He went back to his game, Shane. Talk to me." Shane didn't respond. You were getting sick of his little tantrum. "Fine, I'll go hang out with Sebastian instead." You stood up but were stopped by Shane's grip on your wrist. "Don't go to him," Shane said sharply. You looked at him dully, "And why not?" You, of course, knew why, but you wanted to hear him say it. Shane's face flushed. He looked away, but his grip stayed. "Shane," you said with a tone of warning. He mumbled something under his breath. "Louder" "...lous.." "One more time," Shane finally looked at you with red cheeks, "I'm jealous, ok!? Now, will you please sit with me!?" You smirked before sitting and kissing his cheek, "Gladly"

Look, Victor was glad you were coming out of your shell a little bit. You were joining him, Sam, Abby, and Sebastian for their weekly hang out at the saloon on a Friday. And you were content watching Victor try his hand at one of the stand-up arcade games.

"Hey ___! Wanna play?" Sebastian called out. You looked at Victor worriedly, but he just smiled and nodded. Something he kind of regretted now. Because he was watching Sebastian flirt with you and offer to give you pointers on your pool playing skills. And when Sebastian tried to get close and show you how to position your arms with the cue stick, Victor almost ripped the joystick out of the game he was playing.

"Hey ___, Sophia said she wanted to talk to us!" Victor forced a smile and grabbed you by the arm, pulling you away from his friends and into the main room. Once you were out of sight, Victor pulled you close to his chest. "Vic..?" you asked softly. "Sorry…I didn't like the way he was looking at you and trying to touch you…" He buried his face in your hair and tightened his grip. Your eyes widened, but you nuzzled into his chest, "Me neither…thank you…"

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