He Realizes His Feelings+

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Sam was sitting on the beach watching Vincent as he built a sand castle and for some reason his thoughts kept drifting back to the new farmer ___. He had been hanging out with them a lot lately, and having a blast! But Vincent was starting to feel a little left out, which is why Sam offered to spend the day with him today.

Sam was just about to take out his video game when he sensed movement from the corner of his eyes. He turned, and saw you making your way to the pier with your fishing gear. Sam's mood immediately improved when he saw you. "Yo! ___!" He yelled out, grabbing your attention. He watched you smile and make your way over to him. "Hey Sam, hey Vincent!" Vincent noticed them and waved back before going back to his sand castle. "Fishing?" He asked, indicating your fishing equipment. You nodded "Hoping to find some halibut for Sebastian. What are you two doing here today?" Sam's unsure why, but he felt a little upset when you mentioned doing something for Seb, but he quickly shook it off and turned back to the water. "Just wanted some quality time with Vincent...our dad used to take us to the beach on sunny days like this..." Vincent must have heard, because at the mention of his dad, he stood up and waked over to Sam. "Hey Sam?" "Whats up buddy?" Sam kneeled down to Vincent's height. "Do you think dad will come home?" Sam was taken aback by this, "Of course he will Vince!" Vincent now looked like he was about to cry, "B-but I hear people talking about how a lot of people in the army are dying..." tears were starting to fall from his face now. Sam took a deep breath, "Don't believe what they're saying Vince. You know our armies way stronger than the enemy, and they've got Dad! No way they'll lose!" Vincent wiped away his tears and nodded determinedly, "Ok Sam!" And Vincent ran back to his sand castle, while Sam stood up again. "Sam?" You asked, concern laced in your voice. Sam couldn't meet your eyes, "The truth is I'm not sure if dad's coming back, there have been a lot of casualties. Maybe I shouldn't have said those things to Vince and get his hopes up..." Sam admitted quietly so his brother wouldn't hear. You gave him a small smile and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. Warmth bloomed where you touched him and his heart beat faster. "You did the right thing Sam. Kids should have hope." Sam thought about your answer for a second before looking at you again. "You're right ___, kids should hang onto their childhood as long as they can. Thanks for listening." You smiled wide and his heart found a way to beat faster. "Of course Sam, I'm always here for you if you need it." "Thanks, I think I should get Vincent home now, we may have had enough sun for today. Have fun fishing!" You laughed and waved, walking toward the water line. Sam watched as the wind blew by, rustling your hair and clothes. 'Man..they're really something...I really like them' Sam thought, before telling Vincent it was time to go.

It all started in spring, when Alex first went to your farm for you to draw him. He of course found you attractive, that was obvious. What he didn't realize yet, was how deep those feelings were.

Alex arrived at your farm at 9am sharp. He had never been on the old farmland before, but now he wishes he had. The point he was standing at hard a great view of the farm. A lot of it was still overgrown with trees, wild grass, and rocks, but he still thought it was amazing. At the same time, he was worried about you doing all this work by yourself.

He spotted you a few feet away watering some plants on a small plot. It was the first time he saw you without your drawing book. You had a look of intense concentration on your face, like if you used too little or too much water the plants would die right then and there. 'Wow, they're really devoted to this old piece of land...I guess there's more to them than just their looks...' Alex walked over and waved "Hey there farmer ___, I'm here." You looked up from what you were doing and waved at him. "Hi Alex, just give me a minute to finish up." He nodded and you went to finish your watering. "Hey ___?" "Yea?" "Are...you doing ok here by yourself? It looks like you still have a lot of stuff to clear away" you sighed and put down your watering can. "I'll get to it, just got to get a little done at a time you know?" Alex just nodded again.

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