Your Ex

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A/N: Hello! This chapter may involve some triggers. I will put what Trigger may appear if there is one.

It's the stardew valley fair again! You're sure you've got the grange display in the bag, but your ex has turned up. How will you and your boy react?


TW: mentions cheating and gaslighting

Sam went off to go start earning some star tokens from the slingshot booth while you waited by your grange display. Tourists from all over were visiting your display and asking about shipping, which you then pointed over to Lewis, who was in charge of such things. It was a nice and peaceful day, and you were really enjoying it until a particular voice in the crowd called out to you. "___?" You froze and immediately shrunk in on yourself, as your ex approached with a smile, the smile you used to love. "Oh hey Johnny...what are you doing here?" "Checking out the fair, of course! So this is where you ran off to. Why didn't you tell me?" "I didn't think you'd care.." "Of course I do! Besides... Veronica and I broke up, so I was wondering-" "I'm engaged!" You blurted out, not wanting to hear anymore. His eyes narrowed, "I thought we were going to get married one day? You were supposed to wait for me.." He put on his disappointed tone, and you started wringing your hands. " started going out with Heather when we were still -" "Oh, this again! ___ I told you it just happened! It won't happen again! You're really overreacting." He shook his head disappointingly. "B-but, what about Julie? And Beth?" Those were just a few of the girls he cheated on you with while you were together. "___ I swear I've changed! Why don't we just hang out for a bit! You'll see you're dwelling too much on the past. Besides, maybe if you had paid more attention to me, we would still be together!" You hung your head down. This was always his tactic to make you blame yourself, even when you knew it wasn't true. But his words always had a way of getting to you. You started anxiously pacing in place and started looking around for Sam. "Look, Johnny, I can't, ok? Can you please go..?" He grabbed your wrist, "Come on ___! Just a little date -" An arm quickly went around your shoulder. You jumped but relaxed once you realized it was Sam. "Hey honey! Lewis said he finished judging the displays! Who's this guy?" He flashed Johnny a smile, but you could see the menace behind it. Your ex released your wrist. "I'm Johnny, close friend of ___" "Oh yea! ___'s told me all about you!" Sam pulled you closer to him and away from your ex. "Oh all bad things, I'm sure, they have a way of blowing things out of proportion," your cheeks burned with embarrassment, and you lowered your head again. Sam's arms tightened, "You see, I think I'm going to believe my fiancé on their word. They trust me, so I trust them completely. I've heard enough about you to know I don't particularly like you. So you're going to leave ___ here alone and never bother them again. And if I see you try to get in contact with them again...well, I won't go into details..." You and your ex stared at Sam with wide eyes. "Well..see ya ___. Nice to know you'll never do better than me." He started walking away before you or Sam could say something else, but you had to hold Sam back before he did something he'd regret.

Once you calmed Sam down, you hugged him close. "Thank you Sammy...for getting him away and being twice the man he is...I love you so much..." Sam returned the hug and stroked your hair gently, "Of course honey, you can trust me. And just let me know if he tries to talk to you again."

"Congrats, babe! I knew you'd get first!" Alex hugged you tightly and after the grange judging. You laughed and enjoyed Alex's warmth, "Thanks Alex..let's go enjoy the fair for a while?" So you two went hand in hand to enjoy the rest the fair had to offer.

While you walked, you both kept hearing people talking about some guy at the strength tester. "He's doing really good!" "You don't expect it from such a slim guy." "He's so awesome!" You looked towards Alex, "Wanna check out the strength tester? We can see what all the fuss is about?" "You just wanna check out this guy, don't you?" Alex smirked and nudged you with his shoulder. You shook your head furiously, "No way! You're the only guy I wanna check out Alex..." A small blush appearing on your face. Alex just laughed and pulled you toward the game.

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