The Question

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It's been almost a week since you saw Sam, and you were starting to get worried. You tried asking Shane, Seb, and Abby about it, but they would just brush it off and tell you not to worry, which of course meant you worried more. It was time to resort to drastic measures. Asking his parents.

You walked up to their house and opened the door, as his parents told you long ago there was no need for you to knock now and to just come by whenever. Before you could open the door, though, you could hear voices inside, and one was definitely Sam's. "Don't you think you should just talk to them about this, sweetie?" That was Jodie. "Your mother's right, Sam. Doing it through a letter seems..." Kent trailed off, and you could hear Sam's frustrated sigh. "This isn't easy! I want to make sure I know exactly what I'm saying...what if they don't understand..." Was Sam gonna break up with you? There's no way, right? "Well, if this is how you really want to do it. "Just go do it now before you lose your nerve.." Jodie said sympathetically. You didn't want to listen anymore. You let your feet guide you away from the house and back home to apparently wait for a letter from Sam.

You waited at your window for what seemed like hours, watching out for Sam to confront him, but you were up earlier than usual today to do chores and look for Sam, and the pressure of Vivi laying their head on your lap was comforting, and enough to put you to sleep.

When you woke up, it was already dark. "Shit!" You mumbled to yourself before racing to the front door and outside. You rushed to the mailbox, where a single envelope lay, addressed to you, from Sam. You shakily opened it:


I'm sorry for avoiding you lately with no explanation. Meet me at the bridge by the library at 12 am. I'll explain everything.


Your heart hammered away in your chest. "At least he's not breaking up with me over a letter..?" You checked your phone for the time. 11:30 pm, you still had time. You went back into your house to make yourself more presentable and grab a farm warp totem. Just in case.

By the time you could see the bridge he mentioned, it was 11:55pm, five more minutes. You looked around but didn't see Sam. You approached the bridge and sat on the edge, waiting for the time to pass.

At 12am exactly, you heard a guitar being played. You whipped your head around frantically, looking for Sam, knowing he was more than likely the source. You finally saw him, guitar in hand and approaching you, softly singing the words to your song. When he reached one of the chorus lines, "I can't help, falling in love. With. You." He was standing in front of you, smiling softly. His fingers stilled, and the air around you was silent. Sam finally spoke, "I'm sorry I've been avoiding you, sweetie...I just.. needed to figure out the best way to do this.." You swallowed the lump in your throat. "Do..what?" Sam gently put down his guitar and moved so he was standing between your legs and pulled something out if his jacket. It was a necklace, with a beautiful blue shell at the end. "I love you more than music, pizza, and even maple bars ___. I would do anything to keep you by my side. Will you marry me?" Tears were spilling down your face, as any anxiety about him breaking up with you vanished. It was just a misunderstanding. This is what you want, to be with Sam, forever. You placed your hands on his so you were both holding the necklace, "Of course, Sammy..." You both smiled wide and came together for a kiss before Sam placed the necklace around your neck.

After you had delivered the red snapper to Willy, he had invited you to stay for a drink. Since you were waiting for Alex anyway, you decided to stay. You weren't much of a drinker, though, and just settled for some orange juice.

You and Willy were getting into an intense talk about some legendary fish when Alex finally came in, completely soaked. "A-alex, are you ok!? You're soaked!" You quickly came over to him and checked him over. Alex's face was flushed, "Babe...can we go home? Like back to your place?" You nodded quickly. "Of course! You're soaked. We need to go warm you up!" You were about to go pay for your drink when Willy waved you off. "It's on me farmer ___! Consider it a bonus for the fish." You smiled and waved, "Thanks Willy, have a goodnight!" You grabbed Alex's hand and ran off into the rain towards home.

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