He Saves You

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A/N and Trigger Warning: Hello! Requested by gummygirl27 Please be aware that this chapter puts the reader in a sexually dangerous situation that can be triggering for some people. Please move on to the next fluffier chapter if need be.

You and yours boys decide to do a date night in Zuzu City.

You and Sam decided to go to a concert in the city. It was a really popular band right now, so you were pretty lucky to get tickets. The downside is that it was extremely crowded. "___ hang onto me ok!?" Sam had to yell over the crowds for you to hear him. You nodded and grabbed onto the back of his shirt, trying to hang on as he maneuvered you through the crowds. You two were doing well until some drunk people knocked into you, causing you to lose your grip on Sam's shirt. Sam disappeared into the crowd, seemingly unaware that you lost your grip. "Sam! Sammy!" You tried yelling out loud, but the crowd drowned you out. Suddenly, you felt a hand go around your waist. You breathed a sigh of relief, "Sorry Sammy I-" You cut yourself off immediately. This wasn't Sam. This was a lanky guy wearing the bands shirt and giving you a creepy smile. "Sorry, no Sammy here! Lucky for you, I'm Grayson! Must be my lucky day to run into you!" All the alarms were going off in your head, telling you to get away immediately. "Sorry, but I'm looking for my fiancé!!" You said fiancé extra loudly, hoping the creep would get the message. But his grip on you seemed to tighten. "Oh trust me, I'm much better company!" He started leading you in another direction, closer to the bathrooms. The crowd around you was stopping your escape, and you started to panic. "S-sammy!!" You tried yelling out, but to no avail. "Hey, quit it! Just let me have you!" For a skinny guy, he was surprisingly strong as you pushed you against a wall and brought his hand between your legs. You tried keeping them clamped and kicking his hand away, but he used his other hand to hold you in place. You were scared as he leaned in, and you felt his breath on your neck.

The next thing you knew, the guy let out a high-pitched screech and crumpled down to the floor. You tried to use this as a chance to escape when someone grabbed your wrist. "NO!" You screamed out again in fear. "Sweet cheeks!" That voice. You turned with tears threatening to fall and saw Sam there. You were quick to dive into his arms and bury your face in his chest, shaking. "Did he do anything to you!?" He asked. You shook your head, "He tried!" Sam turned and glared at the guy who glared right back as he tried to get up. Security guards ran through to see what was happening. Sam just pointed at the guy, "He tried to molest my partner!" Youbhavent heard Sam be this angry since your first fight. He was shaking. A guard came over to you, "Is that true?" You nodded, letting the tears fall. "That where's a liar!" Grayson yelled out. "I didn't do anything!" "Sir we've gotten complaints from multiple people describing you exactly. You're gonna have to come with us." The guy continued to yell as the guards took him away. Once he was gone, Sam looked at your form, "It's ok, he's gone. I've got you." Yoy nodded. "___ I'm so sorry I lost you. If I held onto you, he wouldn't have found you and tried..." He couldn't finish. "I'm just glad I found you and kicked him where the sun don't shine before it got worse.." You gave Sam a small smile and leaned up to kiss his cheek. "Thanks for saving me Sammy..can we just go to our seats..?" Sam nodded and clasped your hands together tightly so he wouldn't lose you again.

He really wanted to go dancing. You weren't so sure about it, but you eventually gave in. Neither of you really drank, but you went to some clubs just to do some high-energy dancing. You two would get water, juice, or some mock tails instead.

Part of why you were nervous was because Alex was pretty popular. Attractive strangers were constantly trying to dance with him and offer to buy him drinks, but Alex would always refuse. "Sorry, no thanks! I'm just here to have fun with my fiancé." A log would back off after that, but some were persistent and tried to sway him into either dumping you or cheating on you. You and Alex would just end up leaving to hit up the next place. It was always really sweet of him.

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