Should We?

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You and Sam have been married for a while now, and kids have been on your mind recently. Whenever you saw Penny playing with Vincent and Jas, your heart just..soared. You imagined having her teach your own kids, watching Sam sing them to sleep. Just thinking about it made your heart flutter and your cheeks heat up. You stepped outside onto your farm. Almost everything was automated now. Sprinklers were on, auto feeders and grabbers mostly took care of the animals, all you needed to do at this point was harvest and seed when you needed to. Everything else you needed to do was done in town. Maybe you were ready for kids? Guess you'd have a talk with Sam when he got home.

You sat in bed that night playing with your fingers. "Hey honey! Ready for bed?" Sam undressed and crawled into bed next to you. "Hey Sammy.." "Honey? Everything ok?" Concerned laced his voice. You nodded, "I kinda... wanted to talk to you about something.." "Ok..?" You took a deep breath, "What do you think about having kids?" Sam short circuited. He was frozen and just staring at you with wide eyes. "Sammy?" His mouth moved, but no words came out. "Sam? I mean, if you don't want to, we don't - " You were cut off by Sam hugging you close. "____, of course I want kids! And I wouldn't want to raise them with anyone else!" He kissed you hard, and you let out a small laugh when you both finally I pulled away. Sam wasn't done with you yet though. His lips glided down to your neck, and you spent the rest of the night in each others arms.

You and Alex were at the beach today since you had wanted to collect some shells and coral by the tide pools. Alex was talking to you energetically about something, but you weren't listening. You were a bit distracted. Penny and Elliot were talking with Jas and Vincent about something, but the kids weren't really listening. They were too busy playing in the sand. Your eyes focused on the two kids as they played. Soon though, Alex noticed you weren't paying attention. "Babe? You listening?" He looked over at where you were staring and looked at you again. Your eyes were a bit glassy, and you were smiling with a small tint of pink on your cheeks. Alex smiled and put an arm around you. "So how many babe?" His touch and words brought you out of the daze you were in. "Huh?" "How many you want? Because I was thinking like 3 or 4?" You blushed, "W-what?" "___ I saw you looking at the tykes over there. Want some kids of our own?" He asked, smiling. You blushed hard and looked away, refusing to meet his eyes. Alex eyes widened, and he grabbed your hands tightly. "Wait, really ___?"  "Its..something I've been thinking about more often lately..." You finally looked at Alex again and saw his eyes wide and practically sparkling. "Is that something you want, Alex?" You asked softly. Alex quickly pulled you into a tight hug, burying his face in your neck. "Of course I do babe...I want to start our family..." You two felt so happy in that moment. Alex pulled and tugged on your hand as you laughed, "Where are we going?" Alex smirked, "I need to get you into bed immediately."

Harvey was looking through some of his old medical books inside the house while you were out doing farm chores. One of these books caught his eye and decided to pull it out. It was a pediatrician book and had a whole section about pregnancy. Of course, a family is something that Harvey had thought about with you. Taking the kids out to the park, watching them play with the animals, maybe even taking them to a flight museum, maybe one of them would become a pilot.  Harvey stared off into space with a dreamy look in his eyes. That's when you had come back in and saw him. "Doc?" You looked at him, mildly confused. He didn't snap out of it, already thinking about what color to make the nursery. "Doc? Hello?" You snapped your fingers in front of his face, jolting him out of his daze. "What?" "You were staring off into space, everything ok?" You asked, concern laced in your voice. Harvey just nodded and put the book away before taking your hand in his, "Can we talk about something?" "Um sure, but if you wanna break up with me, you coulda done that before we got married?" You joked. Harvey's face flushed, "No, no! Nothing like that!" He guides you to the bed and sat next to you. "Mocha...have you ever thought a family?" You tilted your head, "Aren't we already a family? Me, you, and Isis?" "Well of course, but I mean... maybe...having kids?" He looked away. Your eyes widened. Honestly, it wasn't something you had thought of much before. Were you two even ready? You had been married for a while now, so it wouldn't be unheard of, but something still nagged at you. "What about the farm? And the clinic?" "You know the clinic doesn't get much business, but I'm always on call if it's an emergency. The farm practically runs itself now and.." He squeezed your hand, "If you and I are both busy.. I know many people in town wouldn't mind helping. I know Maru would love to babysit for our kids, knowing her at least. Or Penny or Jodi or Caroline or -" You put your hand over his mouth, blushing. "Are..we ready Harvey?" Harvey gingerly moved your hand from his mouth, "I am, but if you're not, that's okay. We can wait till you're ready. And if you don't want kids, that's ok too.." He smiled softly at you, and you could feel your heart beating erratically. After a moment, you smiled and nodded, "Ok..let's do it." Harvey pulled you to him and kissed you passionately, pulling both of you to lay on the bed.

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