Home Study [AR]

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You were anxiously cleaning the house like a madman. "Honey It's gonna be ok!" Sam tried to reassure you, but you were too stressed out to really her him. You turned to Sam quickly, "Sammy of we don't make a good impression, we may never get to adopt a kid!" The oven dinged, and you ran over to it immediately. Sam watched you, concern etched on his face, "Um ___, how many cookies have you made now?" He asked as you pulled out a tray of fresh cookies. You set them down and ticked the options on your fingers, "Um chocolate chip, snickerdoodles, gingersnaps, and sugar cookies. Should I make another batch?!" You were panicking.

It had been a few seasons since you put in the adoption paperwork, and the agency had called you both several times to get different documents on you and other background information. And with every bit of paperwork you sent back, a little bit of stress embedded itself in you.

Sam gently took your hands in his, "Honey, we're gonna be fine. They know money isn't an issue, we're both healthy mentally and physically, with no criminal history other than maybe some community service hours.." Sam scratched the back of his neck nervously, then took your hand again, "No child abuse, the town and farm are safe, and we had glowing references from friends. They're just coming to get to know us. And you're the best person in the world. They're gonna love us, ok?" Sam had such a sincere look in his eyes. You took a deep breath and nodded, "Ok..ok, you're right, it's going to be fine." There was a knock at the door, and you jumped. Vivi barked and ran to it immediately. Sam squeezed your hand, "Ready?"

The adoption agent left your home with a bright smile. She had assured you both that everything was looking good so far.

"Alex!" You called into the house, holding some open mail close to your chest. "In here!" Alex called from the sports room. It was the large room above the kitchen you and Alex had converted to a sort of home theater for watching sports games. You rushed in and saw him watching the gridball game. "We um, got a letter from the adoption agency." Alex's head snapped from the TV to you, quickly hitting mute on the TV. "What does it say?" He asked, a hint of nervousness in his voice. "They're asking us for references from people who know us." Alex smiled in relief, "Ah, well, that should be easy. Do you have people on mind?"

You stared at the paper and thought, "Well, Lewis would probably be good since he'd mayor and all. Haley and Leah, since they know us best. Your grandparents could be good. Maybe Marnie? She knows us well and takes care of Jas." "Ok, after the game, we'll go ask them, alright? When do the adoption people need it by?" "As soon as we can, it looks like."

Everyone you two had asked were more than happy to contribute a letter of reference for the adoption, and as you read the letters from your friends, you could feel your eyes watering. They cared so much about you and had only good things to say about you both. Alex wrapped his arms around you, hugging you close from behind. "You ok babe?" You nodded and wiped away your tears, "I know the agency said these wouldn't sway their decisions by much... but the idea that our friends care so much.." Alex's arms squeezed tighter around you. "It's gonna be great ___. They'll let us adopt a kid for sure."

You and Harvey have been busy trying to pull together all the paperwork and records that were required of you both. "Ok, well, at least getting our medical records was easy," you smiled at Harvey, who simply nodded. He was looking over every single thing to make sure nothing was out of place. "Those records from the counselor in Zuzu should be here on Thursday...and the rest we'll have to tall to Lewis about. He's a neighbor, but for official business like this, I'd prefer to set up a meeting..." Harvey continued to mutter and ramble to himself. "Doc?" You asked. "It's summer, though, so you're busy with the farm, but it's off-season for me, I might be able to go on my own.." He kept going. "Doc." Still trying to snap him out of it. "Then I should be able to-" "DOC!" You finally ended up screaming and making Harvey jump. "W-what?" You gently placed a hand on his shoulder, "You're stressing.." Harvey sighed and rubbed ay his eyes under his glasses, "I know, but we need to have everything perfect, or they might not let us adopt.." You sat down in the kitchen chair next to his and held one of his hands, "I know, but stress isn't going to make it better. You said so already, we already have our medical records, and Lewis has basically everything else, and he'll be more than willing to help. Let's take a break for now, and start again after some lunch, ok?" Harvey sighed but nodded. "Ok.." You smiled and stood up, taking just a moment to kiss his forehead.

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