Groupchat Again!!

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*Charlie made a groupchat*

*Charlie added Tao Xu, Elle Argent, Issac Henderson, Aled Last, Nick Nelson, Tara Jones, Darcy Olsson, and Imogen Heaney to the groupchat*

Darcy Olsson: ooh I sense gay tension...

Tara Jones: girl.. what?

Darcy Olsson: heheheheheheh 😈

Tara Jones: sometimes I'm scared for my life.


Aled Last: Sameee it brings me drama

Imogen Heaney: ....what?

Charlie Spring: Yall... Imogen has never been in a groupchat with us, don't scare her.

Tao Xu: dang my plans were ruined😕

Darcy Olsson: oop-

Imogen Heaney: Nicholas you alive?

Nick Nelson: this is Charlie, Nick has formally died

Darcy Olsson: because of being gay? Or because he's sleeping?

Nick Nelson: the gay one.

Issac Henderson: how much wood, would a woods chuck, chuck.... if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

Charlie Spring: ....ehat??

Tara Jones: Are you actually Charlie, or is that Nick?

Charlie Spring: hehhehehe... you may never know...

Tara Jones: Imma take that as Darcy cane over and stole your phones lol.

Charlie Spring: No, it's Nick lol.
Charlie Spring: help Nick's tackling me AHHHHH

12:45 PM

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