Charlie? Pt. 2

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Hey! I wasn't originally going to write a second part, but some people wanted a second one, and others wanted Charlie's Pov during all of this, so I'm going to start with Nick's pov and then do Charlie's, since it's the opposite of the first one, kk bye!

Nick's Pov:

I was sitting in bed, trying to make the clock move faster. 1 minute. 2 minutes. 3 minutes. WHY CANT CHARLIE BE DONE WITH SCHOOL YETTT!? Finally, it was 3:30 he should be texting me right about now... huh. Well, maybe he's just busy. I spent the rest of the day doing chores to distract my brain from the fact that Charlie hadn't called me. It's unusual. He usually calls me right after school, and even though we do everything together, we still like to spend extra time together. But, he is Charlie, and he does overthink.. so maybe he thought I wouldn't want to call him since I'm sick.

Charlie's Pov:

I woke up in a dark room, tied to a chair. My mouth was gagged, and I could feel my heart rate beating faster.

"Oh good, you're awake!" The kidnapper said.

Isn't that what all kidnappers say when their victims wake up?

"What's your password for your phone?" I was gagged, HOW COULD I SPEAK? he was kinda stupid. I motioned towards the gag, and he just sighed. "uggghhhh, fine." He moved forward and took it off my mouth.

"9427." I spoke quietly.

"Where the fuck did you come up with those numbers?"

"Personal shit." I said and he laughed.

"What is it like your bank code or something?"

"No! You idiot, it's nothing!"

"Oh, your sister texted you like seven billion times. She isn't nice.


"Yeah, she doesn't like people hurting me."

"Okay, can your sister pay me like ransom?"

I laugh "like my sister gas money...pftt" He just ignores me and walks upstairs, a few minutes later I hear boots pounding and then the kidnapper yelling, the basement door slams open and it's police, thank God. Though that kidnapper was not the smartest.

Nick's Pov:
Well, I'm feeling much better now. I get a call from Charlie pretty late at night.

"Hey babe, I was kidnapped today." (*I don't remember what he actually said, and I don't want to check oki*) he said it so nonchalantly. WHAT?


"No, I'm fine. He was kind of stupid. Anyways, how are you? Do you still feel sick?"

"Babe... You were kidnapped!?"

"Yeah, we established that already... HOW ARE YOU FEELING!?" He yelled, and I laughed.


K that's all that I could come up with

Words: 460

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