Rock Band

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Charlie's Pov:

Elle and Tao were going to take me to a concert for my birthday, but the concert was canceled, leaving us to go to a shitty bar in Chicago (because we had flown there for the stupid concert), and watch some shitty bands play their songs, it was horrible. Imagine thinking you were going to a (insert whatever band/singer you like) concert, and then it gets canceled, so you're stuck going to a bar with horrible, food, drinks, and singers. It was just bad in general. We were ordering more drinks to occupy our time when a new band walked out. Few people clapped, seeing as there were only 20 or so people here. But the lead singer/guitarist was pretty hot, a blonde dude, around 6 ft tall, and shit, he definitely had some abs. I sat back down after getting my drink and sipped it carefully while he introduced himself to the crowd.

"Hello, I am Nick, and this is 'The World of Horrors'"(sorry if that's an actual band name, I just picked some random words off the top of my head) he smiled, and I about died. He started strumming a slow and steady beat, his drummer quickly adding in some music, and soon, the entire band was playing. And God, did it ACTUALLY sound good. They knew what they were doing.

*after they were done playing (cause I'm lazy and don't know shit about bands even though I'm in one 😭)*

They finished, 'The World if Horrors' fuck, they were good and their singer was fucking amazing, holy shit. I was about to get another drink (I mean, if you're gonna go to a bar, you should at least drink a little bit) when I bumped into someone. "Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to -" I looked up, and it was him. Nick, the singer in the band I was now obsessed with.

"Oh, it's alright darling, we're you about to get a drink?" He spoke, my heart stopped. God, he was even hotter up close.

"Uhh- um yeah, yeah, I was." I said, and he smiled.

"Perfect, can I buy?" He smiled, and I about died right there on the floor.

"Uh, yeah, sure, thanks." I said, and he nodded at the bartender, ordering some fruity drink for himself.

"And he would like..." He trailed off, and I finished for him.

"(Drink choice cause idrk what Charlie would drink, probably wine tho lol)"

"Yes, okay, thank you." He said as the bartender started making our drinks. "So, what's your name?" He asked politely while we waited for our drinks to be made.

"Why, you wanna ask me out?" I joked, to hide my nerves.

"I don't know, maybe, depends on what your name is." He said, and I laughed

"What does that mean?" I asked

"Well, I definitely wouldn't ask you out if your name was Jermajesty." He said, and I laughed loudly this time, making a few people turn and look at me, whoops.

"Why would my name be Jermajesty?" I ask

"I don't know! I'm just saying, I would ask you out if your name sounded like 'your majesty,' " He said, and I choked on the drink I now had. "Anyways, what is your name?"

"Charlie, Charlie Spring." I said and held out my hand to him.

"Hello, Charlie. I'm Nick. Nicholas Nelson, " He said in a mocking voice while shaking my hand.

"Nice to meet you, Nicholas." I laughed, letting go of his hand.

"So, about that date?" Wait. Was he serious? Holy fuck.

"Sure." I smiled, and he nodded.

"Cool, um, do you want to see, um backstage?" I felt my face become warm.

"Um.. sure, just wait." I quickly ran back to my table, leaving him there to inform Elle I was going to meet with a boy. She immediately excited but told me to go and then used me away. "Okay, I can come now." I smiled, and he did too.

"I'd thought you left me here." He chuckled, and I smiled

"Nah, but I do want to see whats...backstage." As we got to a corner and we had privacy, he pinned me up against the wall, I yelped but didn't stop anything.

"Are you okay? I didn't mean to hurt you." He said sympathetically.

"Yeah, sorry, just... you surprised me, that's all." I said, and he smiled, staring in my eyes, then back to my lips, his hands still above my head.


I basically shoved myself onto him, his lips locked with mine. One of his hands ran through my hair, his other, locked onto my hip. I had my arms around his neck. It felt perfect. His eyes were shut, so I followed his example, and we just stood there, relishing in each other. The kiss felt like heaven, or at least what I think heaven would feel like. I was on cloud 9. This boy was the reason I felt amazing, and God, his mouth is good at so many things other than singing.


Words: 885

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