hehe -the angst thats in my mind rn

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Hello! Context for this story... I read some AMAZING angst, and it scarred me... now you all are being scarred, too! Have fun! (This idea came from JustSomeWriterFromNL. They were the person with the amazing angst, and I liked theirs and wanted to write something like it)

Nick's Pov:

I was in my dorm, Charlie had messaged me that he was coming over later. Since we had decided to go to the same college we had only been a few floors away from eachother. I was surprised Charlie hadn't come by now, he said he'd be here in about 10 minutes almost am hour ago.. I decided to check up on him, just to be sure. I walked down to the elevator, pressing the down button and walking in. I then pressed the floor 2 button and rode in silence for next minute and a half. I arrived at the second floor and walked towards Charlie's door, room 228. As I neared I could feel my head pounding, why hadn't he come yet? I knocked on his door and didn't get a response, so I opened the door and walked in. "Hey, Charlie, babe-" I was cut off by the overwhelming sight in front of me, Charlie was laying on his bed, with a boy on top of him, kissing his neck. Charlie had his eyes closed and didn't realize I was there. "Oh." I said and Charlie opened his eyes, the boy glanced at me and then tried to push Charlie back down to keep kissing him, as if I wasn't there, but Charlie pushed him off and stood up.

"Nick, I swear it isn't what it looks like!" Charlie said as he walked towards me.

"Really? Because it looks like you were hooking up with some random dude while I waiting for you to show up to our 'date' which you never did." I replied, anger burning in me.

"Ni-" Charlie started to say before I slammed the door shut and left, wounded by the fact that he didn't even think to tell me that he was done with me. As soon as I got back into my dorm I packed a bag, I was going to stay by my mums, u didn't want to stay in the same uni as Charlie, plus we were on spring break anyways.

"Nicky, what's wrong?" My mum asked as she pulled me into a hug when I appeared on her doorstep, crying my eyes out.

"Charlie." I responded and she seemed confused but didn't ask.

"Honey, it's okay. I'm sure whatever he did, he didn't mean it." She said and I just cried even harder, I wouldn't tell her.

That night I had a very uneasy sleep, when I even slept at all. Most of the night I was hoping for a text from Charlie, or a video call, or something. But he never contacted me. And he didn't for a very long time. If I was counting, which I was, I'd even say he never contacted me again. He never showed up at my door. He never answered my calls, nothing. He didn't want to get intact and neither did I. It's a shame, I once thought we were soulmates, destined to be together. Now I realize, we were just kids in a high-school relationship. Oh well.

I think mine ended way less sad, not as traumatizing. I do recommend you go and read the real authors version, theirs is way better than my adaptation anyways, Bye!!

Words: 590

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